this girl pisses me OFF. (long rant)

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by postblue, Oct 9, 2009.

  1. Im really pissed off. this girl who is the closest person to me always smokes my weed and cigs, eats my food, rings people on my credit, but it's been not a problem or anything cos we're real close.

    today we were like whats happening tomorrow, I said my sisters havin a birthday party. so we'll go into town, pick up (i'm paying) an eighth and then go to my friends house to blaze before the party. we were then suppose to go to a club and then to another party kinda far away, but cos I dont really like getting fucked up on poison, and no one I know thats going smokes weed... I thought i'd smoke the rest at the same friends house after and stay the night.

    When we were talkin she asks for a couple of cigs. which would of been fine, if she hadn't of been treating me like shit all day long.

    Her friend is going to the party in a different town as well, but she doesnt know howto get there. so she says to me "look I can't go to the club, but I can still smoke earlier?" I thought meh fine... theyll be other friends there.. THEN she says, i can't go into town the day after to pick up, it's too far away from me. (Town is futher away from me than her...) I told her that, and she went. And "i can't come your sis's party. I can fit in time to smoke though"

    So basically, shes leaving me to pick up, pay with my own money, make my way to my friends house (its far) and meet her there to blaze, then she fucks off again. Is it just me or is that completely fucking rude.

    But, lucky me, shes putting £2.30 towards the bud. Fucking woo.
  2. Shes using you hardcore. A girl did that to me a while back. I learned the best thing to do is to call her on it and unless she starts throwing down the same amount of cash as you, she can go fuck herself.
  3. tell her to get a fucking job
  4. Just don't smoke with her before hand, simple.
  5. Did you atleast fuck her already? Like seriously I don't understand why you let her rule you like this.
  6. Ummm, what's the problem? Say, listen, I got this weed for ME and if you want to hang out with ME for the night then we'll smoke, but I'm not going out of my way to get you high since you couldn't go out of your way to do anything for me. :D

    If she bitches, say, "Just think about what you're doing, you'll be losing a very valuable friend who has alot to give, including those cigarettes you smoke, food and weed. So, how about you chill out?"
  7. If she's close to you, then she should be able to handle you telling her the truth.
  8. sounds like the both of you are using each other. Shes using you financialy and your ok with it because you like her and want to be around her. so don't complain about the situation ask yourself these questions in the future and you can diagnose your own situations
    slow down
  9. You should just find another friend, those are the ones that fuck you over in the end. Or just put a lid on it, tell her to pitch in, and youll see what im talking about.
  10. #10 Sketchy Newb, Oct 10, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 10, 2009
    Exactly. If she's a true friend, then she'll understand where you're coming from and will be more willing to throw down/pay you back. If you don't say anything, then she probably assumes you're okay with smoking her out and bending over backwards for her.

    You have to man up and let her know you're friends with her, but you can't keep doing what you're doing. Next time she wants a free smokeout, just say "Look, I worked hard for the money I'm using to buy this weed, and I'd like to smoke what I pay for. I'd be more than happy to smoke with you if you give me some money for it."
  11. shes not ur friend if she has no problem using you an feels no obligation to pay you back or do favors for you once in a while. fuck that hoe.
  12. I had some bitch who did that (actually dated her).

    It's the old Dank and Dash.

    I confronted her about it and she swears it was unintentional (yeah okay) but she doesn't do it anymore and we still chill some.

    Either confront her about it or just stop paying for her to smoke.

    A general rule with my friends is girls smoke for free. But most girls don't smoke every day with us so it's cool. Gotta keep your eye out for the moochers.
  13. if you ain't hittin that then start quittin that.
  14. Yeah man, what a fucking user.
  15. Man I wouldn't take that honestly, girls should pay for bud too, almost all(note I did say almost) girls I've smoked with have at least been able to throw down 5 bucks to get blazed, which is cool with me, none of them can even smoke more than 5 bucks worth anyway lol.

    If somebody is so broke that they can't pass you five bucks, they shouldn't be getting blazed TBH. Now im not saying don't smoke your friends out, but make the users pay:D
  16. you're getting used, or she's just taking you're service for granted.

    i hate seeing this happen to guys. don't let it continue, man.

    give her 2.30 worth of the bud and tell her to fuck off is my advice after dealing with people like this, but the sensible thing would be to talk with her. either way don't let this continue.
  17. Nah, she's obviously using you.

    I mean, constantly ask for shit, not putting in on weed funds, and basically refusing to go to a personal event, HOWEVER still able to smoke your free weed.

    I'm telling you man, cut that bitch loose unless you want her to do that for the rest of your "friendship".
  18. she just wanted to get a free smoke out. lol
  19. Damn...the things people do for pussy. It's really quite sad.

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