This Forum is Great

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by runner's high, Sep 27, 2007.

  1. :hello:

    I don't know about you guys, but I've spent some time at other "Spirituality" and philosophy and religious forums and I've seen a lot of hostility, patronizing, and religious dogma, and general closed-mindedness, but this place is generally free of those things!! Does marijuana calm us spiritually, too?
  2. You must not be talking about me. Im a big time asshole. But seriously, you are right. There has been some intelligent discussion in here. Thats more than can be said for most forums.
  3. This section is great,but be warned they will chew you out like any other respectable scientific community.Have your facts straight,and they won't be able to fuck wit ya.....
  4. This forum is okay at best; It's the same three people arguing over evolution or Christianity. It was okay at first but now I find it boring at dirt. To be honest I have no idea how they keep it up sometimes and for the record there is more to philosophy then Jesus and Darwin.
  5. I agree there is more than the standard creationist vs. evolution theories to discuss, so let's do that! But, yes this forun is fun for some, and a battleground for others, but for me, a welcome place to vent thoughts on a spiritually oriented plane. I wish to say that I enjoy reading the threads, even if I can't think of anything to add.
  6. Never a truer word spoken.

  7. Ya, intead of "how did this happen?"

    We could think of "what do we do next?" :D

    So many different questions left to ask ourselves about life; but it's easy to get hung up on how this all came about.

    We should make a philosophy thread that lists questions and then attempts at answers, like that Summa Theologica piece from back in the day.
  8. I'm sorry, I re-read the OP, and realized I didn't andwer the question, does cannabis provide a spiritual lubricant, decreasing friction and making interaction easier? Oh, hell yes!
  9. It's pretty amazing how the internet has brought us together to discuss such taboo topics. Nothing like this forum would have been possible until recent times...

    We're opening up new avenues of communication and learning.

    so many new choices...we grow free-er by the day. We're evolving. It's a whole new world out there. Manifest destiny, we're reaching for the stars, and all that crap:cool:. Our creativity as a species never ceases to amaze me:D

    It's almost crazy to think that we are what we are today, all because of some random event that occurred billions of years ago, and that this universe has no purpose, but to exist and thrive?...
  10. I also find it hard to believe how awsome the internet is, as a learning and communication tool. It goes to show you what happens when everybody works together for a common good... instead of a few people working to fuck everybody over and get paid.

    It is interesting that we are here today because of the random events that ocurred in our past. However, I believe that the randomness of the universe has a purpose as well. I believe it is like programming a computer... some things are just to vast to control intimetly, so you use AI, or complex fractal generators; however the important piece of the puzzle are controlled and moved with purpose.

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