This def looks like some sort of deficiency.

Discussion in 'Advanced Growing Techniques' started by ADIDAWG, Jul 16, 2017.

  1. Just looking in my garden this morning and the first thing i notice is my little girl,Rose, has some discoloration on her lower fans.she has been super green up to this point.also i wish i knew for sure what strains i have. These are all seeds that i pulled out of really good buds that i bought and happend to find a seed or two.. because the stems have been very red and i wish i knew wheather that was a nitrogen dif or a strain characteristic..the only way i think i will know is when they start budding then i can hit the bools hard and figure out my exact strains..haha not just , " that purple urpl ass shit that gave me black seeds."hahaha 1500217347196.jpg [​IMG]

    Now these are from this morning.

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  2. Looks like the beginning of potassium problems... starts at the leaf edges and moves in.


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  3. What's that's soil you've got it in? Is it Miracle Grow ? Are you feeding any nutrients? Give more info.
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  4. Absolutley not miracle grow.i just realized though that my soil says Natural AND organic not just Organic..also using Root Organics Budda Grow right now. Also distilled water. I intend to get a ph day dosent come often learning everyday. Ive been studying growing, in depth since i found out pot was actually a plant.havent truely given it a shot. Im finishing, no matter what it takes.i have three dif crops about a month apart each.mabey a little less on the younger two..this plant is still in veg.about a month and a half old so.

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  5. does the bag of jiffy soil day the ph on it? the peat they use isn't treated with lime to raise the have to add it...MAYBE that has changed ...the bag should say somewhere on well as a composite list...get a ph pen fast ..
    your getting lucky doing it like that with no tools...luck runs out though.

    ph pen pen (or ppm wand) ..asap...if money is an issue get the GH liquid test kit's reliable enough if used right cost like 7 dollars..good.luck


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  6. Yeah i know ive been getting lucky. Really the worst thing to happen to my first batch of plants was me. I knocked every one of them off the shelf more than once. Only one has survived. I will get a pen righy away.. i havent been able to find those test strips anywhere though.might just go back to the grow shop and talk with them this weekend.thanks.

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  7. test strips are the only thing I wouldn't recommend...liquid if anything.


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  8. then it not treated...jiffy in general is not jiffy pellet peat Moss is too acidic ...peat Moss in general is to start with needs to be raised for cannabis.


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  9. Im pretty sure im over the threshold of how long this soil was suppose to feed them anyway..i did just bump up the feed to the next level that is says on the bottle too.mabey that will make a really digging this app..haha.sort of a pun.

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  10. ALSO my experience...and I know some may argue...

    by the way the structure and pattern of branching that plant has's a MALE...don't throw it away until you make sure....BUT I'm 99% on this .

    even with no preflowers or sign of sex....just 21 years of looking at cannabis..


    the GFP

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  11. The pens arent that expensive aanyway.after reading some other posts.i wanna go and get one right this second. I hope my plants can hold on for a lil longer.

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  12. Thanks. I had actually thought it could be a male once before but was stil holding out hope. Being that it is the only one remaining from my germ run...mabey i could keep it seperate and breed my own??idk

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  13. Wait, this is Rose. She is all on her own awell in the crop timeing but not the plant i was thinking..still might want to try breeding..

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  14. As long as it's on old growth, don't worry too much about it. However, I do see problems (at least I think) with your soil. It looks too dense and like it could stand a good addition of perlite to correct the drainage. These plants hate having their roots sitting in wet soil constantly and if your media mix isn't right, it will hold water around the roots and you can end up with root rot. You need almost as much perlite in the soil as you do soil so the plant ha optimal drainage. Not sure what kind of soil you're using here, but if you can get it, spend the money on a good bag of formulated grow soil for best results. You never EVER want to water a plant until it's used the water you gave it before. You should be able to lift the container it's growing in and feel no weight. Any weight you feel is water still contained within the soil and it's not time to water yet. Do you manage the pH of any water or feeds you give? If not and you really want your plants to grow the best they can, make sure you keep the pH within the right range. Watering (or waiting to water till it's actually time REGARDLESS of how long it takes), a good grow mix with correct drainage and light is about all they need throughout the veg cycle. Until a plant matures and uses some of the nutrition in the soil, giving it more nutrients (food) will just burn it. So don't feed until your plant is actually hungry. Nutes feed plants....LIGHT grows plants. Put as much emphasis on the quality and wattage of lighting for flower as most do on nutes and you'll end up with a fine plant. But 99% of the time, as long a you see problems ONLY on older growth, it's no biggie. If you start to see discoloration or issues with new growth, then you likely have a problem. Old growth dies off all throughout the life of the plant. Hope this helps some. TWW
  15. I do know that the soil is too dense. Im gonna order hot soil before my next run for sure..perlite was everywhere at the start of the i cant find it anywhere..i got the memo late. And everytime we talk about my soil it pisses me off. Got this from wally world and didnt even look at the other soils. They had totally organic soil, with worm castings,for the same damn price. 5$ohhhh im so annoyed.

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