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Thinking about giving weed to my 13 year old daughter but need answers first

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by Fredbear, May 25, 2011.

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  1. She has been diagnosed with social Anxiety. She doesn't attend school as she's been home schooling for the past semester. I have no idea what she goes through but it must be bad enough that she doesn't want to go to school so much that she cries when she had to go.

    I would let her try it no problem at all but the problem is that her Grandmother on her mothers side was bi-polar scitso

    I have read that marijuana can trigger Schizophrenia is this true?????????
  2. I want to say yes. But I dont have a clue about when schizophrenia runs in the family. And is 13 too young? Maybe
  3. I refuse to believe this miracle herb causes mental illness. Its been proven to help fight and cure thousands of diseases and illnesses!
  4. It's hard to say really, there have been studies which suggest that schizophrenia has a tendency to trigger while consuming cannabis, but at the same time there's strong evidence against this. Some "types" of schizophrenia are even treated with cannabis. I suggest reading up on the subject before proceeding with anything. But in the end I'd would personally much prefer cannabis to any of the sketchy drugs the doctors might suggest.
  5. I have Social Anxiety and pot amplifies it. I do enjoy it as a nightcap for sleep though.
  6. Been reading a lot here on grasscity lots of really cool stuff. I really do believe that God put it here for us to use as it seems its good for almost everything other then gluing your arm back on.....So IF Gods wants us to use it He wouldn't make it harmful for one and good for another as God doesn't play favourites.
    Still I would like to hear more thought on the matter
  7. Can you explain or expand on this please....I mean I know how it feels when your paranoid I was guessing thats all part of the course
  8. Sativa would be too much for her

    An indica would do well i'd imagine

    Maybe chill her out

    Honestly though she might be a bit young and she might have a bad trip

    Give her some indica edibles at home, and her a disney movie, report back to us:

  9. I thought she was too young as well but most of her class just got busted smoking pot......and I would give her the what to expect talk so she doesn't have a bad trip...I feel once you got it down it'll be cool just like taking a "doctor" giving pill. Although I remember even a couple years ago I had a panic attack where I thought I was going to have a heart attack so much I almost called 911.
  10. For me it most definitely amplifies the feeling of isolation and fear. I usually clam up almost immediately after taking a couple of hits. Brain chemistry is a funny thing and varies from person to person. What's bad for one is the cure for another. Paranoia can easily escalate to the point of fleeing when I'm baked. I hate to say this but I'm a loner stoner. I have friends don't get me wrong, pot is better smoked alone for me. The paranoia can be managed better alone. I've read many stories of severely antisocial people who get no benefit from psychiatric meds but swear by the therapeutic effects of
    Cannabis. It really is a trial and error. If you do go through with this I suggest supervision or close monitoring. You will know almost immediately if it's therapeutic or not.
  11. Thanks for expanding and it is helpful...I know what you mean by loner stoner as it makes me really think. But I like it........
  12. It depends on the person and the situation..You can't really say unless you somehow have a time machine and can come back to this moment if you get negative results...:eek:
  13. It helps me alot with anxiety and depression. But like some people have said. everyone is different.

    13 is really young in my opinion. Probably too young. But i am obviously no doctor or anything. you are her father. you and her mother know her better than she knows herself most likely. so do what you think is best.
  14. #14 noahluv, May 25, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: May 25, 2011
    Just remember that her dosing isn't going to be meant to get her stoned, go on and figure out how to dose her with edibles.
    You want her to feel a little buzz at first probably but same as with regular pills you get used to it and you still feel the effects on your mental state but not actually feeling high.

    But like they said, research EXTENSIVELY before doing it. I have plenty of friends that started at that age and seem fine and they were getting fucked up.

    Play it safe and good luck.
    My heart goes out to your daughter:eek:

    Also, my opinion on use for social anxiety. I have two test subjects, (my girlfriend and I) that both react differently from herb and so yeah

    When I smoke I feel confident, I'm happy with who I am and how I feel and I feel totally in control except with skateboarding....

    My girlfriend tends to freak out a lot easier. She's worried that people are going to think she's high and she just generally freaks out. Although this is because she's new to it and is getting actually high. She's been a lot more mellow lately.

    So if it doesn't work out, lower the dose a leeetle bit. If it continues to not work then give it up.
  15. Unfortunately, I'm going to have to close this thread - we have a strict rule about discussing minors using marijuana, medicinal or not.

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