I am generally a shy person, so I normally don't like discussing topics like religion and philosophy because I'm afraid to offend my friends, so I guess it's easier to preach to a bunch of people on the internet, whether or not anyone actually reads this, I just want to get it off my chest, I feel like I'm the only person who knows, and it helps knowing somwhere my thought are accessable. I consider myself to be religious, but I dont buy into any religion crap out there, not christianity, not muslim beliefs, nothing (however I think Buddhism teaches great morals). I think the only correct religion is the one that comes from your own mind, because if you think about it, all religion is, is a second consciense proposed of morals. Your first consciense tells you what is right and wrong in the physical world, what your supposed to believe. Your religious conscience tells you what right and wrong in your own opinion, so that why I think the right religion, is that comes from inside of you, not what the church, or whatever religious group you attend to, wants you to believe. On that note I would just like to share some opinions I have on the world (like I said I just want to get these things off my chest). -I think the only 'holy beings' in this planet are animals (excluding humans), as they do what the MUST do, we do what we WANT to do. Humans are the most down right unholy thing that has ever happened to Mother Nature. People are greedy, and want to nothing but to hurt others, I know it may sound unreal to some of you, but think about it. -I believe that there is at least one greater being out there, controlling everthing (there are other planets too that need gods..). I feel this way because I see it as "well how was Earth created, it was made from dust from stars that have exploded, where is the dust coming from, its made out of atoms, that are made of molecules, that are made of etc." I think that sooner or later that scientists will be unable to continue simplifying things, and that is where these greater beings will take place. -I am scared of reincarnation, I do not want to come back and live in a physical world over and over again, in my opinion that is hell, because in some ways I view Earth as hell, because it is full of people, which I view as demons, and yes, I am ashamed to be here and be a part of society which just polutes, and kills nature, our creator (even by scientific standards). -Sight is the only thing that causes greed. This is because it is the only thing that we have to place values on. Gold, silver, currency, etc. its all available because we can see and it we place a price on it. -Money is the Devil's work (and we created it...), if you value money as one of your top priorities, over things such as family, friends, love, and other key elements to life, than the Devil has corrupted you! -I am a strong believer in the 'All life is sacred' belief. I think that everything and everyone will go to heaven, no matter how unholy we are, we are forgiven, as it is only human nature. -People weren't always as evil as they are today, I believe back in the ancient times when people greatful for Mother Nature and what she provided for them, they were better people, but still greedy, we will always be greedy, we are people. Have you ever sat down and thought about what had to die for you to be happy? No I bet you didn't, maybe you should be more greatful next time you sit down for a meal and appreciate it the way it deserves to be appreciated. These are few of my philosophies that I believe in, I have thought of them all myself, and they are part of my 'religion'. I have this one picture that I would like to show everyone.. and it should get you thinking about human society, it did for me. Once I graduate from highschool I'm going to get a job and save up enough money to go move out to the Mesa (it's an area in New Mexico, near Taos, thats the only town I know close to it, I'm sure there are other), it's a place where a bunch of people just build there own houses and live off the land (off-the-grid). There are no police here, so people can actually have the freedom of the natural rights they were born with, but then stripped of when they entered society. I want to live here because I think that living off what nature gives you, instead of what man gives you, is more natural, and it's a better lifestyle, instead of contributing to what the picture above displays. For those of you who read this, thank you, it means a lot to me know that I'm heard. I may sound like im mentally disturbed, but hell, I guess I am. I consider myself to be very unjudgemental, and would greatly appreciate any opinions on what people have.
Amen....lol(oh, the irony) I agree with quite a bit of your views, but disagree on some as well. To assume that people in the past cared more for nature than now is a rather skewed view. Some have always taken advantage of the resources given to us, and some have tried hard not to. In general, at least in the wonderful US of A, most people show no respect to the earth. Look at any city. But, there are still people out there who do care, its just a matter of finding them. I must imagine that if you lived in a less "civilized" nation, you would have a very different outlook/might try to not exploit the earth. And yes, humans are evil....or, intelligence is evil. Why do you believe that there are greater beings? Care to go into detail?...I'm interested Life is pretty fucked up. I like the idea of living off the land, but were I you, I would do it in another nation. Get the hell out of the US. PS. That picture is sick...I did one like that in art one time, but the tree had no face
I agree with everything you said. I do however believe things are going to change for the better. Is it true that they don't even have electricity at that place? I can't see myself living without it.
Great post. I agree that the human body is a demon, but only when it places materialism before love (as you mentioned in your post). Humanity is capable of following materialism (nothing) or it is capable of following God (Love). When we follow Love we are at one with the Planet, and our mind becomes as the beasts of the field, who know Good from Evil. A lot of what we are doing right now will need to change, but every mountain that is moved begins with the moving of a single stone. Soon our planet will again be a paradise, and life on earth will again be heaven, instead of the hell that has been created here. P.s. don't get me wrong, some aspects of what we have created is beautiful. We just have to learn how to live and create in harmony with the earth.
Very good (non-judgemental) post! Now that I'm older and have many years of pain and searching behind me, I believe more than ever that our "spiritual" feelings are a very personal thing. That in itself is a "personal" relationship with our creator. I also believe that we are energy. The Earth and all we know is either negative or positive energy. Bickering, hatred, lack of empathy, revenge; all contribute to negative energy on the Earth. I try to be part of the positive flow. Far from perfect- and prone to mistakes- I still try to contribute to the positive energy everyday. We create our own environment.
With all due respect, I disagree one-hundred percent. Intelligence is the ability to understand the information we are bombarded with every day of our lives. This is simply a tool to help us experience our own reality. And like every other tool, it can be used with a good intent, or a bad intent. Ultimately, it is up to the individual user of the tool to use it for Good or Bad/Evil. They say a bad craftsman blames his tools. Intelligence is such a beautiful and enormous thing, it is not evil. It is subjective. It is the Human mindset that is corrupted and fucks it all up. The Ego. The "I". HighGrowMan: you said that the Human body is a demon. And I think I know what you're trying to say. But the body isn't really the demon, is it? A new born baby's body is so innocent. It isn't until it develops and begins having new feelings, new ways of perceiving the world around them. (This is very evident in adolescence). So, would it not be more apt to say that the human Ego is the demon? That possesses the human body like a parasite, leaving it to suffer unnecessarily? Just a thought.
I'm kind of unsure how to quote more than one thing at a time, so I'll just write your name, the line I want to quote, and my answer. Someoneorother2: "To assume that people in the past cared more for nature than now is a rather skewed view." Your absolutely right, I misworded that, however, I still do believe that there were MORE people who cared about the environment back then, for example pretty much the entire Aztec civilization were extremely eco-friendly and recycled almost everything. And your right, there are still people in cities who care about the environment. "Why do you believe that there are greater beings? Care to go into detail?...I'm interested" Well I believe there must be a greater being because like I said, at some point I think science will come to halt and they will be unable to simplify things any further, and thats where 'gods' come into play, almost like magic, and for unexplainable things, I dont really think I can come up with anything that will entirely change your opinion on gods, and maybe Im just being a fool and taking the easy way out by saying I believe in a god, but if I had to specify any God out there, it would Mother Nature (Gaia to some) herself, simply because everything we know comes from nature, and nature most have come from something right? Sometimes I think about questions like "where did time come from, when did it begin? is there a beginning? will there ever be an end? Why is there life?", I guess it just comforts me to think that there is someone or something out there in control of these things. "I like the idea of living off the land, but were I you, I would do it in another nation. Get the hell out of the US." Well you see, I'm orginally from Denmark, we moved when I was about 1 1/2, my mom and dad went to study for college in USA (well my dad did, and it was in Florida), and there they had my brother, then they went back to Denmark, had me, moved back to Florida, where we then eventually moved to PA, to MA, to NC where I currently reside, we moved here only about a month and a half ago. We have also taken vacations in various places around the globe (Spain for example) so I've seen a lot, and consider myself to have a pretty decent view on different culture, and therefore I really shame racism, because all it does is promote hate. This probably doesnt have much to do with the quote, just thought it would be something I'd share. And the reason I picked the Mesa because theres a whole community of people who share a dream like mine. Bubfugy: "Is it true that they don't even have electricity at that place?" If "that place" is the Mesa, yes. You dont pay bills out there since I guess technically your unregistered pretty much. So no you dont get running water, electricity, and heat from the government, the way it should be in my opinion (emphasis on "in my opinion" ). You just put up a bunch of solar panels, get a water tank for storage, and grow some food! Its a lifestyle that would put me at ease. Blazinit: "This post is excatly what I've been trying to explain for a longggggggg time." Thanks, I appreciate the support, glad you liked it. HighGrowMan: "A lot of what we are doing right now will need to change, but every mountain that is moved begins with the moving of a single stone." Too true. Unfortunately I'm at age where anything I ever do is worthless to the eyes of the government or anyone else. So right now all I can do is wait, and watch as humanity tears itself apart. I still try to conserve things like electricity and stuff (however, I'm not going lie, I could probably do a much better job). But until then I can't really voice my opinions in a way that makes a difference.. who knows maybe I'll try writing a book or something. "Soon our planet will again be a paradise, and life on earth will again be heaven, instead of the hell that has been created here." I think that will only be achieved once we're out of here. Major Hit: "I believe more than ever that our "spiritual" feelings are a very personal thing. That in itself is a "personal" relationship with our creator." I couldn't agree more, but I'm really unsure of who is our creator so when I think of these more or less... depressing thoughts, I feel like I'm talking to blank wall =/ (however I still believe in respect for the spirit of Mother Nature, but I can honestly say I dont sit down and pray to her) "I try to be part of the positive flow. Far from perfect- and prone to mistakes- I still try to contribute to the positive energy everyday. We create our own environment." Thats the spirit! I like what you said about we create our own enviroment. However the only problem is the only people who have the money and can do something... don't. Yes Bill Gates donates millions of dollars, and he sure as hell better haha, or there wouldnt be anymore Bill Gates. Seriously though, even though there are a thousand different programs you can contribute to, look at how long we've had them, and how much closer we get to nowhere in each passing day. Naku06: "Don't worry, all of your misanthropist wet dreams will come true. The only statement that i find true in Christianity wont go to waste. "The meek shall inherit the earth."" Haha, sadly no they no wont, its only a matter of years until we reach out to other planets and shortly after that we'll become the cockroaches of the universe. "The meek shall inherit the earth" Its a damn shame "The true question being: Will you or your offspring be in the crossfire?" I'm not sure if I'm misenterpreting this, but it sounds like your calling Earth one big war zone, which if thats the case, is true in the sense that we will never be able to accept out differences and therefore there will always be hatred and death. Thanks again everyone for sharing your opinions.
DrSnuggles, I like your opinion, your right humans aren't born evil, but I think uninevitably (spelling?) they will become so. Once they enter the material world, they are tainted in my opinion.
Ehh, probably should have worded it differently. Intelligence is evil, beautiful, hateful, wonderful, crazy and stupid.
No it is not, It is objective. Everything in the world is objective, save for one thing: The human ego. The ego is what tells us whats 'right' and 'wrong', beautiful, ugly, hateful, loving... It instinctively 'shows' us how to define the things around us, and who were are as individuals. The ego adds the different descriptions and connotations to the concept of intelligence (Or anything, for that matter) -- intelligence on its own is completely and utterly neutral, objective; it simply is.
No, it is. Intelligence makes up the human ego. Intelligence makes up yourself. An entirely unintelligent life form is purely neutral. It will have no ability to act, whether that be an act of evil, or an act of kindness. It would be, quite simply, dead......or a rock. Once intelligent life is added into this silly equation, both actions and emotions are added as well. Intelligence can be divided into categories though. A human most definitely acts and has emotions. A dog might have both....but you aren't a dog, so you can't be sure. An ant definitely can act, but does it have emotion? It is still intelligent though, as it can act. A tree can act, so it must have some amount of intelligence, though basically negligible. A rock neither acts nor has emotions (I hope...don't want to be dissin' any rocks), so it is unintelligent. I guess then, that it is the ability to have emotions that gives the ability to be evil, good, or even choose to be neutral. Intelligence begat emotion, so, therein, intelligence can be evil, beautiful, hateful, wonderful, crazy and stupid.
Intelligence is abstract ability and gives us power or a physically more powerful animal would dominate the earth. With great power comes great responsibility though, and unfortunately a lot of people misuse their intelligence for evil, but intelligence itself is not evil. There is only one God for everything in the universe, and it is not concrete, God merely exists because it has to. Existence begs order and order begs existence. I wish everyone in general would realize that God is not some thing that sits around and makes decisions or something, it is so much bigger than that. The idea of reincarnation is interesting. I've heard the idea that physical existence is actually purgatory or hell, a physical trap for our essence, and I find this not to be beyond the realm of possibility. Sight is a vehicle for greed, just like it is for most things, and the brain creates greed. Money is most certainly the devil's work. bingo. "When we follow Love we are at one with the Planet, and our mind becomes as the beasts of the field, who know Good from Evil. " - Very nice. "Everything in the world is objective, save for one thing: The human ego." Niiice. Subjectivity only fucks things up. Remaining objective is key. Take the ego out of the equation, and you'll find the truth.
I'm glad to see so many creative suggestions It's good to know that this world isn't just made up entirely of stupid people >_< On a note, adding to our whole topic of philosophy, have you guys ever felt like.. totally isolated even though your in a crowd of people? Sometimes I get the feeling that everyone is just a walking zombie and it depresses me because I will never actually know if you're like me. The way I see it is.. well.. that it doesn't really matter, because we're all going to die sooner or later, and that's the only truth in this existance, bred to be killed of a disease we know as age. The only thing I can possibly hope for is upon death I will be transfered to a different dimension where I can discover truth.
All religion does come from the mind, it is a consciousness of it's followers, which uses proverbs and fowklore to guide torwards something greater, that there really is someone tending the light at the end of the tunnel. When people realise that, aetheism will die.
Rocks do to act. All of the little molecules in rocks know to stick together, But then we ask what have rocks ever accomplished?, other than forming some the biggest most beautiful things in this world. Its really the little things that count, well in this case the big things...