Think Ive Messed Things Up...start Again?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by Sneakazz, May 23, 2013.

  1. Hi,
    I started my first ever grow 8 days ago, using 3 seeds: ThinkDifferent, Amnesia Lemon & Candy Kush (all autos). After reading a miriad of differnt ways to grow and differing opinions, I decided to plant the seed straight into 6l pots, filled with Gold Label light mix (damp but not wet).
    However, I now know I initially planted the seeds too deep - between 2-3 cms. I found this out a couple of days later and decided to scrape off some soil from the pots, exposing the seeds. I couln't see any roots yet so lightly covered it with soil - max. 1cm hoping this would sort it out.
    So a week later an still nothing is poking its head out. I decided again to move a bit of soil (using a matchstick), being carful not to touch the seeds. I noticed they all had approx 2 cm roots which had curled upwards.
    Quesion is: Have I messed up by initially planting them too deep and then tampering with them? Ive got more seeds. Should I start again? (I don't think being really stoned when planting or fiddling with it helped either)
    Cheers :p

  2. ***Bump***
  3. Start more seeds.. a bit less then a fingernail deep .. use much smaller cups to start with .. transplant your way up to your 6 liter pots.. to large a pot to early leads to over watering.. start out in a coffee cup size.. with seeds always start at least twice what you want to finish .. even feminized seeds toss males and defective stunted seedlings all take their toll ..
  4. Once u put the seeds in the soil, if you messed up, you messed up, DO NOT KEEP MESSING WITH THEM. that will cause more damage then you did from the start. Plant them in the soil and walk away. Only look at the pots once a day. If u dont see anything sticking out of the soil, walk away. Repeat! once they stick out, its time to get some light on them and give them a drink!
  5. My rule of thumb is plant 1/2 fingernail deep in dry soil.
    Fill a Gatorade or water bottle cap of water and drop over where you planted.
    Wait upwards of 7 FULL DAYS! Most will sprout in 3-4.
  6. Are you using a 6 liter pot?

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