Go ahead an tell what you wish people knew in MW2. First, When a predator is incoming, if at all possible spread out. It may get one of you, but not 2 or 3. Like the joke about two guys encountering a bear in the woods, one guy bends down to lace up his shoes. The other guy says "What are you doing? You can't outrun that bear, he looks back and says, I don't have to, I just have to outrun you." Secondly, If you are close to someone who calls in a care package, hang back an play defense for a few seconds til they secure it. Nothing worse than calling in a care package only to be abandoned by your team and your care package hijacked. And if someone calls an emergency airdrop, don't take the good stuff, take the uav or counter. They got the airdrop, let them take the stealth bomber, or pave low. Be a good teammate. Not a jackass. Go ahead, tell us what you wish nubs knew in MW2.
i would contend dual g18s is kinda nub, blocking people, yellling in the mic, iwnet, wish I had got to play the last MW on pc missed out :/ people not talking sucks too. so few people talk, I need to get a clan or something
I hate when people try to take my carepackages. I always help protect other peoples even of thy die I won't take it, I'll just watch it for a little bit (great way to pick up a couple cheap kiils.). I hate playing with random people, noone knows how to really play the game type. I barely play unless I'm with my clan.
The things that piss me off are akimbo shotguns, when people in my own team crowd round my care package trying to steal it, people who just sit in a corner and wait for people to walk in the room and thermal scopes.
Yes, I hate it when people go around, whoring the noob tube and then talk shit when the game is over. This is probably what frustrates me the most, I'm used to CSS which is a HUGE team game and it just absolutely kills me when I see 3 teammates behind me on the radar and then I end up getting stabbed in the back. HOW FUCKING HARD IS IT TO WATCH MY BACK? Not only that but I can't even count how many times I've seen teammates using me and other players as bait. Another thing is I hate how some kids just sit down in the corner of a map with a heartbeat detector and just wait for people to walk by. Also, I just can't comprehend how some people go, like, 8-24 or 7-20, you would do fucking better if you just laid down the controller and walked away, thanks for single handedly losing the game for us. /rant.. for now.
Public is public. A frag-fest. Do not expect much (public) teamwork unless playing on a good adminned clan or community server. And that is quite impossible in MW2, since it have no dedicated servers. It is a noob game, made for noob playstyle. In contrast to say BF2, CoD4, CoD5, CSS and ARMA2 (all on PC naturally), where the good servers with good players and active admins do provide a level of teamwork at least amongst the more experienced players. But for true teamwork, public just will not do. You need a proper clan for that, playing in various ladders, leagues and cups. If you got the time and dedication, you won't regret it. It really is the best experience you can have online, working as a unified team, with plenty of practice and clear command lines, taking down another team. Those close matches are the best. Much more fun than the virtual walkovers of totally pwning the opposition. Though, that have its charm as well, but it usually regress into malicious teasing and arrogance that spur the opposition to give up before end of match Another benefit of being in a clan, is that when you play public, you can be on the same team and have some great teamwork. A bit unfair if there is not another clan doing the same on the other team of the server, but hey... Which is why my clan in BFV and BF2 was forced to spread evenly on opposite teams on the Norwegian community servers, unless our greatest opponent on the Norwegian scene showed up to give us competition public. Aaaah, those were the times
The thing that pisses me off the most is the combination of marathon, lighweight, commando, and tactical knife...just plain stupid, there is not a shot in hell someone can run at like hyper speed and lunge 30 feet to knife someone when i already got 3 AA-12 shots into them. Things that should be banned from the game...noob tube, lightweight, and the combination above... And people camping rediculously, i mean i get it, i camp here and there when i need to but the people who just sit around a corner and wait for people to run by them is so dumb and boring. My "camping" would consist of me taking over a whole building, which is why i dont call it camping, mainly becuase i dont sit in a corner waiting for people, i go to them! The best map to demostrate this is Derail, if you have control over the center building then your team has a good chance of winning. I will place 2 claymores, one at both entrances and then run from window to window looking to gun bitches down
This is a good strategy, especially with scavenger. One thing that is hilarious and annoying as hell at the same time is when an entire enemy team is a clan, but they have totally random names, and their sole strategy is based on being annoying nubs. I noticed something was up when an ENTIRE team had danger close, noob tube, and heartbeat sensor. Aggravating but funny at the same time.
haha, I told my whole team to go riot shields in S&D on Terminal and on one round we ended up planting the bomb on the plane and blocking off every entrance with a shield. It was hilarious watching the team scramble to each door trying to get in. Anyways, the only thing I don't like is when people use noob tubes, marathon/lightweight commando and 1887's. I don't actually mind them using it once in awhile, but when that's all you do it's pretty annoying. Campers aren't too bad cause you know where they're at and you should have the advantage.
i hate it when noobs fucking block door ways.. or when your trying to be stealthy and snipe and your teammate shoots next to you, with no silencer, thus putting you on your opponents radar.. i hate noobs
yea i hate the boob tube too but i dont see that getting the boot. that is actually something that is possible in real life unlike the retarded perks like lightweight and commando. my take on perks, you should always be able to run like you have marathon on, because if your getting shot at or running to a position, your not gonna stop midway and take a breather! and unless your the fastest fucker in the world, there is no such thing as lightweight! which even then you have 50+lbs of gear on you so you cant run that fast. ahh i remember the days of playing CS 1.5, i got fuckin good at that game when i had a shitty as video card so sometimes on a couple maps if someone was right up againt a wall i could see part of them through the wall so i would shoot them, and thats how i was banned from my own clans server! and thats how i quit