Things asian people never say

Discussion in 'Grasscity Forum Humor' started by badlogic69, Jun 22, 2012.

  1. "I think I'll drive safe and slow today"

    "let's use our indoor voices"
  2. "You got a B on your test? I'm proud of you son."
  3. I have a large penis
  4. "I'm *****ed out."

    "Anime? Fuck that!"

    "I got an F in math"
  5. "A dog is mans best friend"
  6. "your not going to be a doctor, son? I love you anyway"
    "My penis is so big"
    "I hate League of Legends"
    "I hate to be on the computer all day"
  7. ^nice sig bro
  8. "I'm tired of eating rice!"
  9. "Would you like rice with that?"
    "No thanks."
  10. "Oh you can leave your shoes on."

    "FACK, we're all out of sesame oil!"
  11. "Damn I need to get my cornrows done again"

    Being high and thinking of an Asian guy with cornrows is fucked up.
  12. What is starcraft?
  13. I'm pretty sure in the movie How high, the asian in it gets cornrows lol
  14. "I work in construction"

    "magnum please"

    "let's not all throw up the peace sign in this photo"
  15. A word that has an "L" in it. They may try, but they will never succeed
  16. no, i don't like anime
  17. No I wont eat this foul smelling food out in public.

    I don't go to university

    I'm not smarter than you

    No, I don't draw weird anime drawings with 1 drop of water on their face
  18. That trash fish you just caught? Throw it back.
  19. Mum, Dad, I want to be a plumber!

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