They should make a movie about a commune.

Discussion in 'Movies' started by Shipwreck, Nov 18, 2010.

  1. One that glorifies it and shows people that there is a different way to live.
    But they wont, so maybe I will.

    Your thoughts?
  2. ever seen The Beach? it didn't end well for them tho
  3. I should watch it.
    Seriously, people are let down in these times.
    They need to know there's an alternative lifestyle.
  4. hell yea you should the beach is fuckin awesome
  5. im pretty blazed right now so this might sound wierd. but how about a movie about a priests or nun and how its really to be them and what not. have like a " There will be blood" feel to it. its can even be about a pedopreist and how it was covered. i think it would be interesting:smoke:
  6. Watch Doubt .. pritty good movie

  7. Doubt was amazing.

    And Shipwreck, that'd be interesting. Although I'm not a fan of religion, it'd be nice to see a film that doesn't pick at opposing views.

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