They Know Who You Are!

Discussion in 'General' started by hypnogreen, Apr 29, 2009.

  1. So today i decided i wanted to start logging into GC under a proxy to hide my location because i had something very interesting to share with the community. However this is something id like to feel safe posting.

    To my suprise Grass City doesnt allow proxy use when logging in!!!!

    Thats this about. I feel that grow journals and things of this nature should all be posted using a proxy. Other wise its just a unesary risk. Firefox makes an app that changes your proxy every X amount of seconds which would be nice to make use of on this site!

    If you dont think Ny police are checking up on those that say their from Ny think again. NYC police as well as Suffolk police have a devision dedicated to online policing. Some towns also have their own devisions of this but i believe they are mostly looking at face book and myspace to look for underage parties that are going to be happening on the weekends (news Day).

    Anyway id post this in feed back but i just wanted to see if im the only one who thinks that we should be permitted to be anonymous.
  2. I agree we should be able to be anonymous, but GC isn't in the US so they don't have to comply with our pigs requests.
  3. Oh shit.. dude I'm in NYC...
  4. it would be cool to be anon.. but then the mods couldnt ban people
  5. I don't really mind not being anonymous. New York's a big, big place.
  6. #6 hypnogreen, Apr 29, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 29, 2009
    Rephrase "Western NY may be a big place." So is the north. but when you live in the burrows it becomes a lot smaller.
  7. I was refering to the whole state. Can't GC refuse to comply with US police anyway since they are based in the Netherlands?
  8. yes but its members are in the US and they can still retrieve information about its users. We may be "able" to post whatever we want. But that doesn't mean they arent watching.
  9. Exactly. You'll be fine as long as you're smart about the information you post.
  10. +rep

    Don't put anything on the Internet you're not comfortable with
  11. Its not like the DEA here can do shit with the info on the GC servers. Its out of their jurisdiction.
  12. Well if you anonymity then donate some money to G for the new servers, then you will be allowed in the private sections of the Forum, this unseen to the naked isn't even indexed by search engines.
  13. They would only bother with the people with large amounts.

    And It's best to just not throw out info about that kind of stuff at all. Every picture that's taken and person who's told is a liability.

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