There is no evolutionary advantage to being tall (unless youre a giraffe)

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by gentleman, Feb 10, 2014.

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  1. I forgot I even posted but you're all missing the point
  2. Well it wasn't very well made, so please expand further on your one sentenced point.  Because I've read about 10 since yours that completely counter it.
  3. Op:

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  4. Idk man. I'm tall enough to reach the beer without climbing the shelf and possibly killing myself, so I'm more evolutionarily advantaged than others.
  5. Here it is dangerous to go into the tall grass take these:
    Evolution doesnt know we live in a concrete jungle man. Tall people run faster and can see threats coming ad fight them off better. Girls like taller guys because evolution says to them "If shit goes down this guy is going to live and so are your kids"
    and what is the point lol
    anyway, tall people are better made for muscle building - they have more space for that. if you want to be a bodybuilder, then you'll be pretty limited with a short height, while taller guys will have way more strength and mass.
  7. #27 gentleman, Feb 10, 2014
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2014
    you guys didn't go to much middle school :/
  8. Buying a pair of pants that fit right is a pain in the ass, it takes a long time to find a pair of 34x38 jeans for less than $60. You always have to watch your head when you get off a bus so that you don't hit it on the door frame. Other than that, being tall is alright lol

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  9. I've not seen you write a post with 10 or more words yet, to support what is quite a silly claim.  I'm going to assume you are a troll.
  10. I don't have time to go through 3 pages, but when I saw that people think that evolution is based on who is the biggest and strongest I decided that the audience wasn't going to be smart enough. I don't have time to explain grade school genetics.
  11. Oompa Loompa doom pa de doo op is too short to get any pussy

    Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  12. Hardcore trollin' yo
  13. lol see what I mean?
  14. I see that you purposely made a thread to invoke an emotional response.  Then you give us nothing to support your claim.  You are in fact trolling.
  15. #35 Ninjaballs, Feb 10, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 10, 2014
    Not gonna feed the troll
  16. #36 gentleman, Feb 10, 2014
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2014
    hey man, not my fault most of you don't know what evolution is and are also bad at making connections
    not to mention that everyone got their feelings hurt for some reason
    so much for open-ended discussion
  17. What point are you trying to make with this thread then?   Please elaborate.
  18. Evolution isnt necessarily who is biggest and strongest but that whatever helps you survive best in an area works. Being big and strong really helps out when a predator comes at you. Being smart and eating a wide variety of foods helps as well. 
    Height, strength, and smarts helped humans survive.
  19. #39 gentleman, Feb 10, 2014
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2014
    I really lost interest at this point, I posted this last night drunk and forgot about it, but here's my basic train of thought.
    There is no evolutionary advantage to being tall because:
    People growing taller due to sexual selection does not reflect an advantage. Just preference.
    Size and power don't make a difference in humans anymore. Unless you need to fight people and animals all day. Show me that country. Work is shifting more away from manual labor every day.
    There are way different desirable traits compared to cavemen or other animals.
    Plus tall does not equal muscular... I see 10x as many skinny tall people as I see muscular tall people
    Also, a lot of the giant animals from prehistoric times or whatever gradually became smaller as they evolved, scarcity of food or whatever.
    Today the world is overpopulated with humans. So it would be advantageous for ourselves as a species to be smaller and save food and space. Especially since we are at the point where we are influencing our own evolution.
  20. Something being no longer useful does not mean it does not serve an evolutionary advantage.

    Hell, what happens if we lose all our technology and have to live in the wild? Being tall is going to help out.

    Liking anything is a preference whether it is for survival or not? It just makes ense that the reason we humans on large part like certain traits is because something in our brain says "That person is fit and healthy and my kids will be too".

    Humans arent going to get smaller simply because we will it. When we run out of food and space if the smaller people survive because they need less food then humans will become short.
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