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Theory to a Theory

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Jvault tolks Os, Aug 2, 2010.

  1. They say that weed is a "gateway" drug.. which for most of us educated on weed, we know that is not true. BUT I'm sure it has happened and I think I just realized why...

    DRY SPELLS! without weed in easy reach, you're more likely to try something else! You remember trying to smoke that oregano from your mom's cooking supplies!

    In conclusion, weed should be given out for free by the government in order to stop kids from trying other drugs.

    That is my theory.
  2. haha. yeah i remember reachin for those damn cigs when i was on a t-break haha
  3. I think this is true to a certain extent. But in other cases, no. Such as hard drugs, there more expensive and harder to find.
  4. if you really were an "educated smoker" you would understand that anyone who habitually smokes weed isn't tearing out their hair or looking for some other kind of drug when a dry spell comes up. They accept the fact that there is no herb to currently toke upon and thusly probably just go watch television or play videogames. <- theoretically that is.
  5. I don't think it is really a gateway drug. But the truth is, someone who smokes is indeed more likely to try other drugs simply for the fact that they were willing to try weed knowing it is a drug. That doesn't mean that it leads to other drugs and I hate that stigma. Basically I am saying that people who are open to trying weed have an open mind to other drugs more so than someone who is completely against trying any drug in general. I hope that made sense. It has been a long night. :smoke:

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