Theory about the earth and world and shit

Discussion in 'Science and Nature' started by Olemiss140, Nov 4, 2010.

  1. hey man.
    i was thinking about all this shit. like our original state of being was being baked nonstoped. and when adam ate the apple from the bad tree and turned normal. its not his fault tho, il bet he had the munchies like a mother fucker.
    and god never thought this would happen so as a precaution he put some weed over in the himaylayas. and so when adam ate the apple god pannicked and gave some weed to a bunch of stoners(the ancient cave men) knowing theyd spread word and shit.
    so yeah man. fuck the devil. he just wishes he was high. :smoking::smoking:
  2. Nice theory.
  3. thats non sense. god is imaginary
  4. I didnt understand anything you said bro, lol
  5. hollow earth. Agartha.
  6. Wrong section, brah-brah. :wave:
  7. because the christian bible is the whole truth and nothing but the truth? lol
    and you're baked op
  8. and the first thing that sticks out as wrong to you is the religious stuff? religion haters pointing out religion :rolleyes:

    "like our original state of being was being baked nonstoped." I'm with you OP, doin my part to get back to the original state and laughin at the devil! :smoke:
  9. lol yes. not believing the bible and the story of adam and eve makes me a religion hater.
    good observation.

    kinda forgot i was in the science and nature section.
  10. #10 Inthedirt4good, Nov 5, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 5, 2010
    being baked all the time would have probably been a hell of a lot better than scared shitless that your going to get eaten by a dinosaur or run out of food. livin back then musta been tough, i would probably be that guy tryin to get a rotten fruit buzz. yes Lothar, king of the hill people.
  11. yeahhh man
  12. This is the "science" forum.

    Adam and god, the bible and anything completely made up doesn't belong here. There's nothing wrong with hating religion. What has it brung to the table?
    What has science done? Well look around you. At least 99% of the stuff you see is the result of science.

    If you let go for a second and take a step back, you can see how weird the whole concept of religion is. Don't mean to bash but i just think we'd be much better off without it.

  13. THIS ^^^:hello:
  14. and 99% of the first people to use science were religious. Most people conveniently forget that a lot of the stories in the bible are actual events that happened. Not talking about the god part but things like the battle of Jerico were actual battles that happened, not some fictitious event made up by some writer long ago.

    I think religion is needed, not because our souls need to be saved but because people need something to believe in. When your life is in serious danger no one is comforted by the idea that you are just 1 of about 6 billion people on a planet that is just one of billions upon billions in the universe and really doesn't amount to anything when adding in the time the universe has been around.

    We would be much better off without the extreme versions of various religions people have come up with yes but religion as a whole isn't some evil thing that's bound and determined to bring you down.

    To me saying we should get rid of religion is like saying we should get rid of all idea's on some random subject. What good does it do to completely ignore a subject? Would we really be better off by not talking about it and ignoring it altogether? When has that ever worked? Religion is just another idea that gives a different perspective. It only becomes a problem when you try and change someone else's view into your own. So I say let them think that we are born into sin and must work toward forgiveness or pray to the alien god-king Zenu so that our theten levels will go down, whatever you wanna do go for it. We all have the right to believe and think whatever crazy shit we can come up with.

    For me it's more interesting to find out how they arrived at what they believe in rather than convincing them to change their mind (of course 99% of the time if you just ask them questions about their faith they eventually will end up questioning it).
  15. So you're saying it's a crutch?
  16. It is a drug for the masses.
  17. im saying that religion is a tool. It's purpose is help us cope with things too large for our mind to deal with. If you haven't come into contact with a problem or situation that doesn't fit into that idea then, yes it would seem that you don't need religion but that doesn't remove the usefulness of it for those situations.

    The problem comes when people take religious texts literally and too far (as in forcing it on others). Just like any idea, it's only as powerful as we make it.

    I think most people get stuck on the bad things that have happened in the name of some religion and forget the good that has come from the same religion but implemented in a different way. (mostly because there's a lot of little good while there are large bad events, so it's understandable)
  18. I think we should all grow out of it. I don't believe in a god and i cope just fine. You shouldn't need to believe that humans are the apple of god's eye to get through the day. Just so we're clear, can you name anything religion has done? Off the top of my head all i can think of is charity - which doesn't necessarily have to have anything to do with the church.
  19. Reminds me of a quote by Bertrand Russell:

    Makes me laugh regardless of its veracity.
  20. well sure, it doesn't make sense for you. I'm guessing your at least fairly rich compared to world standards. What about the poorest of the poor, I'm willing to bet most of them believe in some sort of god figure and there's a whole lot more of them. It's all part of the as you get richer and more educated you have less children, and lose your belief system

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