The Worst Day Of My Life (So Far)

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Typewritermonky, Mar 18, 2009.

  1. Short story, and sad. Today I wasn't feeling so well, but went to class anyway because I had History and English together, two classes that didn't really require a lot of thinking. Aside from being sick, around 9:40 AM, I received an E-Mail from of my best, best friend's father that I have known for about 12 years now saying that his son had been hit by a car, and it is very, very serious. Unfortunately, as soon as I read this, I started salivating uncontrollably. I didn't know that this would mean, that I would start vomiting uncontrollably. First few times, I just swallowed it, and started getting up to walk to the bathroom. 10 seconds later, it all came up with such great force that all I could was manage to throw up all over myself, in front of everyone, and run to the bathroom. Not only incredibly embarrassing, the tail end of senior year and I fuck my social life up like this. Now, I have to deal with that, my friend being brain dead (or dead) and the rest of what else we high schoolers deal with. But even worse, they made me sit in the lobby of the school until my dad could pick me up, puke covered, near tears with everyone in the entire school passing by me.

    I know this doesn't really apply here, but I could really use some support as I am not in the best place right now.
  2. Man thats fucked, sorry to hear it. I honoustly dont think people will give you a hard time about that.. Well in my college (yr 11 n 12 only) noone would..
    As for your friend.. Is he ok? Have you heard anymore news about him?
    I suggest talking to your parents about it mabe? If you wanna chat, pm me
  3. Dude, tail end of senior year, you said it yourself.

    If you do actually give a fuck, at least act like you don't in public.
  4. Wow man I feel for you. They totally handled the situation wrong making you sit in front of everyone.

    Any asshole who makes fun of you after understanding the situation should be smacked.

    I hope everything gets better.
  5. If anyone even begins to say something about it just say i was already sick and i found out my best friend is brain dead (or dead).. try and tell me some little punk will laugh at that.
    if they do they need to get the shit beat out of them.
    the ladies will see how sensitive you are :p hehe

  6. He may be brain dead, there is a chance he can be O.K. I know you misread it but I am hoping, praying for that little chance.

    Thanks for caring, but I do go to one of the schools were I will be made fun ruthlessly. I really do love this forum.
  7. you shouldn't have went to school sick..
    But I gotta admit, that's seriously so unluncky & unfortunate
    Try not to dwell on it bro
  8. i dont get schools like yours. i cannot comprehend how someone puking is funny. i went to a school filled with groups and cliques and if someone puked at first it was ewww and then its like fuck we all feel bad for that person. senior year tho you will survive
  9. When I was in highschool a kid named Kenny (no joke) was using one of those zip line ride things where you start high and slide down and he hit his head on a rock and died.

    Some girls cried some dudes cried but no one would laugh at that shit. If someone gives you shit then they deserve to get the sense beat into them.
  10. Man that really sucks I hope your friend is okay, I have a friend that I have known for like 8 years that got hit by a car a couple of weeks ago and the last I heard he was in a coma and he might die :(, I haven't heard anything about it but it was obviously really serious, I feel your pain. Hopefully you and your friend, mainly your friend will pull through, and life will get better for you two.
  11. That's rough man, and I hope your friend is alright. Don't worry about what everyone else thought when they saw you. Try and just focus on what your doing and your friend.
  12. I know this is the most cliche and overused piece of advice ever given to anyone, but keep your head up and stay proud. People have recovered from much more humiliating situations and there's no reason you can't also

    so sorry about your friend, that really sucks.

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