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the union and parents

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by xkush IV, Aug 5, 2010.

  1. i just watched the union and i think it has enough information to let the idea of me smoking weed not outrages to my parents. such as dad mom and step dad. i dont want to sneak around anymore its getting to hot in texas to go outside and toke. so if any of the forum has showed this movie to their parents how did they react and what are some arguments i can say against "its illegal" subject. i was planing on saying "that i havnt been caught yet and there is less of a chance of me getting into trouble with the police if i can smoke in the house." but i want to here what you the forum have to say about this issue.
  2. Your parents have to have ears to here. If they are not open to any argument of any sort, regardless of validity, than it doesn't matter what you say or they watch.

    They may have some preconceived notions that statistics, facts, or reason will not break down.

    Where do they currently stand?
  3. You'll probably get a lot more answers if you search instead of starting this thread....LOTS of ppls have asked this and plenty have bar its a wonderful thing :D
  4. my step dad says that its just stupid and no body should do it and stuff but my mom used to drink i think and so i was planing on using that against here seeing marijuana is 100% safer than any other drug out. and idk if she was being sarcastic but she said that marijuana should be legal
  5. I don't think you want to point fingers at your mom, because she has the leverage (it is her house you are living in after all).

    If she really said it should be legal, then engage her about that.
    "Mom, I heard what you said the other day, what do you mean by that? I kinda have the same view . . . If you have the time I'd love to watch this movie with you."

    As far as your stepdad, it sounds like he is pretty rigid. I think the quality of life argument would work pretty well. Like Katt Williams says, " Enjoy your motherfucking life! Life is too fucking short!"

    Also do use the search button. There is a lot of info hiding in the depths of GC. Seek and yee shall find.

    Good Luck.
  6. I've never watched the Union yet, so I can't say whether it'll be beneficial to show your parents. But I will say that just letting your parents know how YOU feel about pot is the first thing you should do. Tell them how it makes you feel, what it does for you, etc. Then, provide them with valid facts and information. But be very chill about it, don't make it an argument or a classroom discussion.

    Also, ask your Mom about the statement she made, and make sure she was serious and not just kidding around. If she was serious, ask for her opinions on the matter. I don't know what to tell you about your Dad because he just seems dead set against it. But your Mom may be the best place to start. Also, invite her to watch The Union with you.

    But all I can stress to you is to be very chill and calm about it. I've learned over the years that the calmer and more composed you are when talking to parents the better, and being chill may actually benefit you in the end. The legality of marijuana may be a big issue to them because it is their house your gonna be smoking in, and I'm sure they don't want you getting into trouble with the law! So let them know the REAL reason why marijuana is illegal, and that it is actually not dangerous, etc, etc. Tell them smoking in the house ONLY will keep you from being discovered, because will.

    Maybe it's just me, but I think you have a good chance :D
    Good luck!
  7. I tried with my mom and it didn't go well. She supposedly never ever drinks because she's completely against any form of drugs.
    She couldn't even sit through half the movie. All she could say about it was that it was "propaganda." No shit it's propaganda. It's propaganda that's backed by legitimate facts.
    Sadly, she doesn't believe anything she saw or heard in the film.
  8. "it's illegal"
    So was hiding jews, during hitlers power.
    "If a law is unjust, a man is not only right to disobey it, he is obligated to do so. "– Thomas Jefferson

  9. Oh! Because it's not propaganda when the government is behind it, it's just the truth, right? :rolleyes:

    I wonder what she thinks of those Above the Influence commercials... It's so frustrating how quick some people are to gobble up everything they see and hear on the news, without a second thought.

    Why a person would ever, EVER trust a nightly news station like Fox over a clearly well-researched documentary simply because they're afraid to think outside the box is so beyond me...
  10. If you're gunna do this think up a new strategy and it CANNOT involve pointing out your parents faults or they will just be pissed off.
  11. I tried showing my parents that and its pro marijuana propaganda that is based on untrue facts, marijuana makes you lazy, kills braincells and turns you into a pill addict end of discussion. So um yeha...The Union failbloged me. Also they thought the research was based in the 60's and untrue because part of the movie was in black and white.

  12. I agree with you 100%. A lot of it has to do with that when our parents grew up Reagan and Nixon were presidents (a few of the biggest anti-drug campaigners). The anti-drug ads back then were a lot worse (saying you'll go crazy and kill people, etc) where as today they go with the "above the influence" routine (pathetic.) Its like parents have been brainwashed with the wrong information when the truth is staring at them right in the face, they are too afraid (like most people) to change their ideals and beliefs.

    As for the OP, I'm sorry it didn't work out. I haven't brought up the entire topic of smoking yet with my parents (they always think "worst case scenario" and if its against the law) so to me it seems like a big uphill battle I am not yet prepared for. If you are over 18 you can at least tell your parents that you do not think marijuana is bad (mention you'd be happy to educate them), and that you will continue to smoke it even if it is not allowed in the house.

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