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the tribes can and should by nature unite over this...please

Discussion in 'Marijuana Legalization' started by littlebigman, Jun 2, 2006.

  1. :hello: :wave:

    <TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR class=spacer><TD></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><TABLE class=blog cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=10><TBODY><TR><TD width="100%">Friday, June 02, 2006
    <TABLE class=blog cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD width=30>[​IMG]</TD><TD>Friends PLEASE I need your help at this moment asap sos urgent please…
    Current mood: [​IMG] determined
    I have 190 friends and we only need 100 to come together on this by my 100th monkey calculations[​IMG]
    Friends PLEASE I need your help at this moment asap sos urgent please...
    The tribes can and should by nature be uniting over this...
    Those who read my bulletins know that I dont normally ask you to repost, if the words are already there when Im reposting somebodys bulletin I leave them, but other than that I just leave that request to the readers heart as I believe it should be...
    This time Im not just asking you, Im begging you to repost this in a bulletin and in your blogs as well as forward it to the email addresses bellowand to those of you who have pmd me to offer help on my case, heres your chance to help in a big way...
    {please rewrite the following if you can make it more understandable}
    Please forward the following to everywhere:
    The tribes can and should by nature be uniting over this...
    Nobody is perfect and you can count me at the top of the list, but I can only tell you that my aim is true...
    I will now explain why I put you through this seemingly negative and non-productive exercise in provocation and what i've been building up to...
    I needed to double check for myself and you exactly where the status quo in the "legalize marijuana" orgs finally stand in the fight for freedom and literally our livesI was flushing the birds out of the brush you might say...
    I propose to you now that the cannabis issue can bring together all the purposely fractured social, political, environmental etc and even religious fronts...
    Not only can the cannabis issue go directly to effect the root causes of all the branch issues, but it can undo what the mans system has systematically done to us all by design, keep us and the issues separate and specialized and unrelated...everything is related...
    At present the many tribes stay clear of the cannabis issue because they feel its not a priority issue and that it would make them look foolish to their contributors as well as compromise their political coinage...
    This can be wholly attributed to the rhetoric and fatal misrepresentation of the cannabis issue and approach by the orgs who claim to represent the issue...they must get out of the legislatures and into the courts with a united front bottom line human rights position...
    If the "marijuana" orgs were to step forward in unity on the uncompromising stance that the government has no jurisdiction to outlaw any plant species or any living specie of any kind and that the people have unalienable rights protected by the constitution through restricting government from treading on these rights to freely access and share these commonalities that maintain our very existence, heres what could happen next...
    The anti GMO orgs would look foolish if they did not come on board because it builds the only winning and real foundation to ending genetic patenting of any kind...
    The environmental orgs would look foolish if they did not come on board because it fills in all the missing legal and resource links that now bog and even devolve their progress...
    The anti war orgs would look foolish if they did not come on board because the USA only sends troops when needing to stabilize and or secure recourses to feed back into the death machine...cannabis is the peoples petroleum , timber, food, clothes and medicine, the new buffalo which = true self sufficiency which would wipe out any excuse for foreign dependencies...
    The social issue orgs would look foolish if they did not come on board because setting government jurisdiction back to its proper place on the issue of outlawing plants would force dramatic and immediate government reform at all levels including the prison system and the other well used economic depravation tools of the drug war to keep the poor right where there at and getting would also free up needed funding for use in ways that help people...
    Farm and agriculture orgs of all kinds of course would look foolish if not on board with the right to grow plants, lol, I think that one speaks for itself...
    The anti New World Order orgs would look foolish if they did not come on board because the international outlawing of plants = the "drug war" is and has long been the premier tool of manipulation, take over, and funding for most black operations that in turn only operate on behalf of the corporate masters...
    The religions and their orgs would look foolish if they did not come on board to defend whats at the core of all religions I know of, the sacred gifts of the betray the creators very plan of nature is in itself an abomination to all religions...
    I could go on and onwhat about the animal rights orgs? Would they not look foolish if they didnt get on board to defend the web of life that would in turn help them instrumentally in stopping cruelty to our fellow creatures?
    For a quarter century I have been witness to the effects of the machines need to separate us and the issues and I know now that this issue is the key to bringing us all back to the same page...
    The idea is that we coordinate federal civil injunctive relief suits in all states with all the orgs invited to join in each states suit. { I have a case already in federal court that can be of much use in modeling such see }
    We file simultaneously for media manipulation effectand over night we have the country asking itself fundamental question without ever needing to convince anyone of any kind of conspiracies or pointing at bad guys, we just make it what it is, their most basic human rights...
    It can be a bloodless revolution that could pull the main rug of controls right out from under the corporate rule we now are slaves to in every way...soon even to enslave our DNA...
    Will you help me force these legalize marijuana orgs to take the necessary stand and properly represent the issue so that it can be the lynch pin to unite the tribes?
    If all this makes any sense at all to you and you want to help, please forward this to all of the following addresses and please add your personal comments if you have time, thank you...
    roni k.
    Please forward this to:
  2. So wait.... You want norml mpp and all these people to storm the media at once?

    Michael moore? No, I will not send any email to that propagandist. Because in 100 years, we will look back at hostory and he will be known as a propagandist.

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