The Story of the Grasshopper and the Octopus

Discussion in 'Grasscity Forum Humor' started by Tokensmoke10, Oct 5, 2010.

  1. The Story of the Grasshopper and the Octopus

    All year long the grasshopper kept burying acorns for winter, while the octopus mooched off his girlfriend and watched TV. But then winter came and the grasshopper died and the octopus ate all of his acorns and also he got a race car.


    Sorry, just saw that episode of Futurama :smoke:
  2. TL;DR

    Good people usually lose
  3. I thought the moral was octopuses are badass mofos'
  4. That is true as well lol

  5. Mooching off of your girlfriend is the moral :smoke:
  6. That wouldn't have happened with a grass-smoker
  7. The acorns would've been gone long ago and prolly have to go to a gas station to get more.
  8. The thing they didnt tell you, the octopus also got laid, the grasshopper, obviously didnt

  9. If ya think about it, octopus sex would be weird.
  10. Yeah octopuses have sex with bagpipes

  11. [ame=]YouTube - Octopus mating[/ame]

    false, octopi, have sex with octopi

    My favorite part of that super steamy sex tape, when hes all "bitch get in that crevice, yea, yea, you like it when i put my tentacle in there...yea you do bitch"

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