Hey I was just thinking and started wondering what is shwag? Like I am a vet smoker so I know what it is obviously from the title but why isnt it as good? They could just as easily compress good weed. Where does it come from always mexico? I am just a curious guy, I hope someone knows more than me
I remember some from back in the day. We had our choices of very fine hashish, but at the level that I saw, reefer came in kilogram bricks. Typically, marijuana was grown in Mexico from last years seeds... The harvest was, simply, the ends of the branches; male, females, whatever... This was compressed into the familiar kilo bricks, wrapped in colored cellophane, shipped, shipped, offered for sale. You could buy stuff 'uptown' that was one hit shit; we didn't see that. We saw the High Times Calendar. We got the brick. Want a pound? Cut the brick diagonally and offer up either. It's up to you to take out the seeds and stems.
I always hated brick..and what a pain to peal layers of buds off of a brick..I've seen it shipped the dirtiest ways even in an oil pan and it destroyed the bud ..sometimes you would have 10% seed weight other times almost 50% seed weight...I dont miss those days one bit haha Sent from my SM-G965U using Grasscity Forum mobile app
Brick is what you get when you're tryin' to make money...And even then it was fuckin' aggravatin'. Big fuckin' sticks, tons of fuckin' seeds...Once in a great while it was hot shit, but mostly just a dull fuckin' high.