The regs shwag brick

Discussion in 'General' started by Popcorn, Jul 25, 2019.

  1. Hey I was just thinking and started wondering what is shwag? Like I am a vet smoker so I know what it is obviously from the title but why isnt it as good? They could just as easily compress good weed. Where does it come from always mexico? I am just a curious guy, I hope someone knows more than me :)
  2. I remember some from back in the day.
    We had our choices of very fine hashish, but at the level that I saw, reefer came in kilogram bricks.
    Typically, marijuana was grown in Mexico from last years seeds...
    The harvest was, simply, the ends of the branches; male, females, whatever...
    This was compressed into the familiar kilo bricks, wrapped in colored cellophane, shipped, shipped, offered for sale.
    You could buy stuff 'uptown' that was one hit shit; we didn't see that. We saw the High Times Calendar.
    We got the brick. Want a pound? Cut the brick diagonally and offer up either.
    It's up to you to take out the seeds and stems.
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  3. I always hated brick..and what a pain to peal layers of buds off of a brick..I've seen it shipped the dirtiest ways even in an oil pan and it destroyed the bud ..sometimes you would have 10% seed weight other times almost 50% seed weight...I dont miss those days one bit haha

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  4. Brick is what you get when you're tryin' to make money...And even then it was fuckin' aggravatin'.

    Big fuckin' sticks, tons of fuckin' seeds...Once in a great while it was hot shit, but mostly just a dull fuckin' high.:coolalt:
  5. Trump smokes schwag.

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