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The real purp

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by Ari Gold, Aug 21, 2008.

  1. This is purple power crossed with white widow.
    Lemme know what you think of her.

    Attached Files:

  2. it looks nice but the sun is dominating in that photo
  3. yah w/out the sun, its hard to see the color of the purple buds. they are being taken with a 2gb camera phone
  4. Another picture that shows the purple buds better. This buds is the dankest looking bud ive ever see. The buds are completely purple not green purple, with 1/4 inch white crystally hairs coming out every which way.

    Attached Files:

  5. Gotta say that strain looks absolutely wild. Those pictures I do not feel are doing the plants its' justice.
  6. Your exactly right, this plant has been budding for 2 weeks so far and has turned completely purple with long crystally white hairs. I wish i had a good camera to take these photos on to show this plants greatness, by far the dankest plant I've ever seen (in person&online).
  7. That is the dankest plant you have ever seen in person and Online? It may look interesting since it blooms purple from the start, but the potency of that strain isnt very high, But If you wanna see some really beautiful purple plants I would be glad to show you.
  8. So you are saying you crossed this yourself?? And if so, what seed banks did you use for the parents?
  9. When i say that its the dankest , im not just saying that. Purple power and white widow are very powerful strains and ive never seen buds like this before. Ive been looking at posts on this site for a long time and have seen very dank plants but none like this.
  10. White widow is known to be potent but over the years the original widow is practically extinct, most seed banks that carry widow have a weaker commercial version of what was once the most potent strain known. Purple power is not a very powerful strian I know many growers who have grown this strain and were disapointed in the end, the coloring is exotic but it lacks potency, this is why you rarley see it grown by others.
  11. I believe the reason for these buds being so purple and crystally are somewhat due to the colder summer we've had(i live in Upstate New York)and what i believe is the biggest cause is the cold nights we have been having for the last week. Each night has been in the 50's er maybe cooler due to a cold front. Currently it is 91 outside, i bet the plants are thrivingg.
  12. The site says it is more powerful than purple power. A bud with this much crystals already, will have mass amounts in the end. I don't understand how this possibly bud isn't going to be potent as hell.
  13. HASHMOUF!!!!! you are sooooo right where is all the dank white widow at man? i remember about 3 years ago there was the dankest white widow in socal for the longest time...everyone had it and it was the best shit ive ever smoked....I LOVE THAT BOMB WHITE WIDOW SATIVA.....but since then i havent been able to find it?? none of these clubs down here in LA have it anymore and if they do, like you said its some shitty commercial version... Wheres the widow?? Hashmouf if you find any of this bombness how the ww SHOULD be you gotta let me know man

  14. The site also says that the yeild is 550-850g. That is nearly 2 pounds if at the maximum which is absurd to believe.
  15. If grown perfectly it is possible. Obviously that is an "absurd" yeilding for the average grower, such as myself and many others but if done correctly and perfect it can happen.
  16. That bud is so dank it is turning everything around it purple.
  17. hahahhaaahahhaahahahahaaa:laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing:
  18. [​IMG]





    And I got better pics then those of some real Purple plants, If you wanna see them.

  19. So you think these are not really purple...The reason of the background being colored like that is from me messing around with the brightness and resolution and saturation on the photo so you could see the purple color and white hairs. I am taking these with a camera phone (2gb). Once i borrow a digital camera you will see the plants true greatness. GC stop hate'n on these plants, I wouldn't be putting my time into this post if they weren't actually legit.

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