The permanent move. What would you choose?

Discussion in 'High Ideas' started by Creed Bratton, Jul 29, 2017.

  1. If you were faced with a situation where you HAD to choose to leave Earth, and your only 2 options were to move to another planet with another species of advanced intelligent life, and your options were:

    a) a species one million years more advanced technologically, that possesses technology that we won't even be able to think of for a long time to come.
    b) a species one million years more advanced spiritually, that has achieved higher levels of consciousness and understanding than we could ever imagine.

    Which would you choose and why?

    I would, without hesitation, join the spiritually advanced species. Imagine trying to explain to Christopher Columbus how software works. It would go ALL the way over his head. And that's only after 400 years. After a million?... We couldn't even comprehend tech that advanced, plus their technology would probably be linked to them biologically, and we might not even be able to use it. Obviously the spiritually advanced society will have advanced tech that would blow our minds, but not as much, and the amount of peace, love, and understanding that would exist in a society like that would be too ideal to pass up.
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  2. Spirituality. Simply just to live in a truly peaceful and accepting civilization. Something our own wants but will likely never be able to acheive
  3. a) a species one million years more advanced technologically, that possesses technology that we won't even be able to think of for a long time to come.

    I pick that one because think how advanced hospitals and shit would be you'd most likely live forever
  4. It would be like those beds in Elysium that instantly regenerate body parts and cure cancer, but crazier. I was going to chose that, but what stopped me was how advanced warfare would be as well and that kinda scares the shit out of me
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. Yeah the weapons would be mad they'd have portal guns n shit
  6. Definitely beats flying with united tho. Kinda to argue against myself I feel like all the different groups in that society could theoretically get into some nuclear stalemate also. Like you don't wipe us out and we won't wipe you out you know?

  7. I think they'd be mad wars going on it'd be like the game fallout but with more advanced technology
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  8. Oh my god..... imagine their bud:eek: they probably wouldn't even grow the plant at that point. They would just grow pure giant trichomes the size of a person:blink:
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. Sounds good to me:smoking::smoking:

    • Funny Funny x 2
  10. Without spiritual evolution technology will self destruct. This is one of the main problems with our world today.
    Thank god Light spreads like a motherfucker and people are finally waking up to themselves seeing past this ignorant system that is purely technologically-based without spiritual maturity.
  11. A million years of advanced technology would have you chained and shackled to the machine. I'm not so sure that a million years of advanced spirituality would be much better. I get the feeling we wouldn't fit in. I'm not sure that either of those choices would be the utopia it seems to be.

    But if I had to choose one of them, I would go with technology. We will enter spiritual worlds beyond our imagining when we die.
  12. I feel like the singularity would of already happened so humans would be more "machine" then human anyway and be able to "download" knowledge and skills

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  13. Definitely A

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  14. I'd pick a black hole and become infinite spaghetti.

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