I am new to this site, thanks for being here. So I am about a week from harvest and it is supposed to rain (about an inch) over the next two days. After this rain event the sun comes back. So what does everybody think? Pull before the rain, or let it ride. I know I may be looking at broken branches and possible plant damage but I have that pretty much covered. Also not worried about mold as I have that covered too. Wondering what people think about the actual damage caused by the rain itself.
This may be a stupid suggestion, but what if you were to cover them with a makeshift tent or something? Just something to protect them a bit?
That would be a great idea but not really feasible due to the size of the plot itself. The rain also will come with a decent wind also.
What about a clear tarp or something? Is that just ridiculous? I think it would protect the plants from rain and let light through.
The weather report mellowed so I decided to let it ride. I would have liked to cover them but the garden is 75 by 45 and I am not interested in trying to cover each one individually. Woke up this morning to fog and wet ground. Fingers crossed, good sun coming next week and the girls just are not ready yet.
Ya dude, you'll be better off with a partly damaged crop vs a crop which isn't ready. If you get broken stems, toss some splints on there and hope for the best.
ran into a similiar situation not that long ago. got myself so freaked out i started pulling fan/shade leaves to increase air circulation. on my third take now, lost alot of first, then a bit on the second round. third round is 100% organic fresh and mold free. (keepin this last bit for me myself and i... hell i put in a lot of work i deserve it)
Lost about 9 branches, gives me a better idea for stability for next year. Going to build tomato cages onsteriods, six feet tall and two feet through. That will hold them. Things are back to good weather and should have time to finish. Will get some pics up as soon as I figure out how.
you can't be to careful with the picture thing. there's a couple different ways to cover your tracks. this method works for me.. so far so good. If your using a camera.. Open the file with a browser to view. press ctrl+print screen open MS Paint under your programs 'Paste' the image save the file (i think you can crop out the bits you don't want on photobucket) GuerrillaMail.com for a temp email address make up a username and sign up with Image hosting, free photo sharing & video sharing at Photobucket to host your pics upload copy the url they give you to the image you want to post. in the message box controls click on insert image the reason you are copying and pasting your image from one format to another is to void out the exif data connecting your camera to the picture. That file personal information you do not want to share... with anyone. This is an online way to view the exif file info on any picture your find on the net. so don't let your exif data point to a picture on your facebook account... anyway, check into it if you haven't already. no shortcuts. Good luck next year. any thoughts on seed or clone stock?