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The "Overdose"

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by HIGH IQ, May 16, 2010.

  1. foul
  2. Ahhh that sucks, Venice has old plumbing too. I wonder if you could stick your head out the window and throw up into the water lol
  3. i have. me and my friend got an oz and just smoked it like we were getting paid for it. then we met up with some dude and he had delsym. i only drank a little, not enough to trip, but my weed high was dramatically increased. then we go back to my friends house, where we had a massive joint. it was 2 papers by another 2, we had to use the whole cover of the pack of papers for the roach lol. so we burnt that on his roof, after we smoked a bong bowl. id say there was 4+ grams in it tho. i progresively got higher and higher then i felt like shit and sorta sick. then threw up a little, or maybe i burped and thought i threw up lol i was so high i dont know. so then i sat back down in his bed and i was even higher. the only problem was i was really really tired soo i just went to sleep cause my friend did also. i then woke up to his little little sister, like 4 yrs old, trying to take the bag his glass screen came in hahah. and i had no fucking clue where i was for a second. it was i strange but kinda cool feeling. regardless a fun night and will be done again.

    another time would be when me and a friend were chillin at this dudes house who lives at his moms but she doesnt care and hasnt since he was a freshman. he had recently got a purple bob marley bong. i do not know why the fuck it was purple. but it was and had bob marley engraved into the glass, so we pretty much just sat around bowl after bowl after bowl after bowl after a couple more bowls then after that bowl we smoked another. then we conteplated packing a bowl and just looked at it. so we went to his basement and then i just felt like absolute shit. it was sooooo bad. the fuckers made a video of me trying to do a pull up. haha i was so high, but i felt weak, and i was pale, and my friend was making food but was being an asshole about it and not getting me any. good times though
  4. I've literally passed out from smoking too much. I made a waterfall out of a 2 gallon jug and ripped that shit twice on an empty stomach with little sleep. I made it up the stairs before getting a rush of blood to the head feeling and passing out against a wall. I woke up a few seconds later and didn't know who or where I was.
  5. HOLY SHIT you forgot who you were??? LMAO + rep for that story made me laugh hard. And ya waterfalls do fuck you up especially if you have low tolerance. One sobe full and I'm set.
  6. i drnank a little tonight.. and i didnt think i was drunk so i smoked.. and now i am fuckked up.. haha oops... feels like my heart is gonna explode. i love mj. one love
  7. I know exactly what you mean. When you smoke just so much you feel awkward and sick. Gotcha bro. Pce.
  8. first time my cousin ever smoked weed it was with me and afew of my friends. we had drank like 2 beers while waiting on one of my friends to bring the bud. she had never smoked anything before. barely even knew how to work the lighter. we were smoking out of my buddies Roor. so he lights it for her, lights it really long, she milks the damn thing up with smoke before i finally reach over and help her pull the piece out cuase i guess my buddy that was lighting it forgot that she didnt smoke and didnt know how to work a bong. it takes her 3 tries to clear it. 15 min later shes sitting on the front porch with "the worst spins ever" her eyes were so baked she couldnt open them. then she throws up all over the place. we bring her inside, spins continue, mumbling rambling nonsense begins, 1 and a half hours after the one and only bong hit she took shes starting to feel better so we go get some food. and then i think she enjoyed it. but at first she was misrable.
  9. :yay:
  10. One time at the end of a sesh, there was enough bud left for a substantial bowl pack..
    my buddies and I were so high that it was really REALLY hard to pack the gravity bong, but we managed it somehow.

    My friend lit it and the bottle filled with smoke..the smoke was yellow.
    No one wanted it, so I just took it and cleared it, blehhh it was awful

    I knew right away, and was like, "guys get out of my room and chill, i gotta sleep ahhh"
  11. Id lean more to the side of it being called a panic attack or just greening out. Overdose is just kind of a dirty word to use because people think "death" when they hear it. Plus if everyone starts using "overdose" in place of "panic attack" or "greening out", anti-cannabis activists are gunna run with it and start using the fact that even cannabis users claim you can overdose from using cannabis, in their argument for being against legalization. In short, I don't think we should go out of our way to persuade people to start calling a "panic attack", an "overdose", because it could be bad for the legalization movement (we're a ways away still, but it's taken a lot to get this far).
  12. #32 SmokinTrichs, May 16, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: May 16, 2010
    Overdose on weed either means nap time, big glass of water, big bowl of cereal or going to the bathroom. lol

    Ask the 20x hash brownies, homegrown OG kush through "the chimney" and super mixed strain full melt hashish.

    Sometimes you'll still wake up higher than shit on edibles too even if you went to bed "too high"

    I also agree, that if you quit for a short while and get like straight back into hash or something you can probably make yourself "OD" and get dizzy and barf. I dunno, I smoke every day so I just get paranoid once in a while but pretty sure I have control of that.

    I barfed once on weed like 15 years ago. I hadn't smoked in weeks and I just ate a bunch of candy on Halloween and smoked a cigarette after I smoked the weed. Then laid down in a tiny little trailer and got dizzy and barfed out the tiny window. hahaha
    I was probably dehydrated from running around all night and sick from all the candy though too.

    I will now distinguish overdosing differently from death because of this thread though I guess. I did not die when I "overdosed" on weed and barfed. lols.
  13. iv sat down and in the course of half a day finished a 1/4 lb, weed highs top off at a certain point... i think the 15th blunt into it we were questioning continuing, all i was thinking was i needed more gatorade & Jack Daniels (its tastes amazing)

    1 of the blunts was chocolate and it resin'd up not even half way thru nasty ass resin taste >< need bleach to rid of that shit

    you need mental power to overcome things, if you have a strong mind, you can overcome any drug and ride any high.
  14. lol, not.
    try Jimpson weed (datura) and tell me your mental power can overcome that. :D
    Plants are freakin crazy yo.

  15. fuck yeah no one is gonna overcome a detora high, that shit is fucking nutty

    ps, ever take it? my best friend ate an entire pod and was lost in the high for 2 days
  16. #36 SmokinTrichs, May 16, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: May 16, 2010
    Yeah, did the whole hospital stomach pump trip. lol
    Took three days to come down after drinking the tea made from the seeds in the pods even after they pumped my stomach.
    Thought I was playing pool at the pool hall and buying candy at rite-aid drug store.
    Lighting cigs that weren't there and playing E.T. phone home with my glowing finger.
    I posted my experience on here somewhere a while back.
    That trip was about 15 years ago too..
    Being a kid was hella fun.

  17. mhm, idk wtf my buddy was doing, he was walking around the house opening and closing doors, picking things up like an empty gatorade bottle and attempting to unlock something by his actions thats what i can assume rofl

    he said he saw ppl walking thru walls, sitting inbetween a table and a wall.. he came out of it twice and smoked a bowl with us he was completely normal 1 min the next he was off in lala land he was walking into shit, trying to find something haha
  18. yeah i've never actually gotten sick off weed besides a headache or anything
    but sometimes i can like smoke myself sober after i pretty much reach my limit
    after i smoke so much i mean i can only get so high i guess. tolerance whatever
    but i smoke like an ounce in a day one three or four heads like once a month
    and i get pretty high through like the first half or so but then i just come down
    even if i keep smoking like it just doesn't matter its just over for me hahah
    but after that the more i smoke the more i just feel burnt out and like a blob i guess
    i don't really know how to explain it right now because im fucking stoned
    but thats what i usually reffer to as "smoking myself sober"
    but theres the rare case usually only with reeeally good weed
    i can just keep getting super high every time i smoke
    but i still get that burnt out feeling eventually
    thats what i refer to as "smoking myself retarded"
    ive never really thought of it as an overdose
  19. #39 SmokinTrichs, May 16, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: May 16, 2010
    I might add that alcohol fucks me up 100X worse than weed.

    I can drive perfectly fine on weed at all times. (well maybe not a 20X brownie) I know for sure I cannot drive when I have had 3 or more beers. More than one beer I won't even consider it. I don't even like alcohol. Gives me headache every time.

    When I feel like I can't get any higher, that's when I break out the hash. Usually only then. And it works every time. hehe
    Once or twice a week or so I guess.

  20. you must be tiny... 3 beers doesn't even get me goin... i feel the same about alcohol tho i dont like the effect at all... but i love the taste of whiskey and certain flavors of brandy

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