the OFFICIAL PUSSY appreciation thread

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by bostondutchmast, Feb 16, 2009.

  1. all these appreciaition i love pussy so i made this thread

    boys n girls...if u like it post

    life without it would be tough :rolleyes:
  2. fuck yeah pussy thread!

    this will soon be full of win
  3. Count me in :yummy:
  4. Oh, my!

    I've never seen one like this before.
  5. #5 J Dylan, Feb 16, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 16, 2009
    i'd like to thank all the pussies out there... who believed in me through soft and hard. i'd like to thank my... mother...?... for bringing me into this world; making it possible for me to appreciate pussy, or anything at all for that matter. i'd like to thank my father, for endowing me with these precious genitalia with which i can mame pussies to my (with their consent) liking.

    and last but not least... i'd like to thank my friends... for introducing me to so many wonderful pussies, some of which opened up their hearts and their minds and let me inside.

  6. lawl...if it wasnt for pussy we wouldnt exist :)...before there was c-section
  7. Pussies, boobies, ass, and legs. Can't get enough.
  8. "jersey pussy.... so predictable"

    "everything i touch turns to pussy. pussy pussy"

    hahaa you gotta use the Italian new york/jersey accent when you say it haha
  9. I would very much like to give a shout out to my first conquered pussy, it was not the best, but it still remains near and dear to my heart these days.
  10. Nothing better, than banging, and puffing. Same Time
  11. ask not what the pussy can do for you...

    [ame=""]YouTube - sPun[/ame]

  12. i love me some nice legs too...nothing better than some soft gorgeous legs
  13. I prefer burying myself between them though...

    seriously though, there's nothing in this world that can compare with quality pussy, straight amazing
  14. Aw we all must pay respect to the REAL ruler of the world, Pussy.
    below every great leaders desk lies a half naked
  15. i no i do.:smoke:
    i love to tickle my kitties:smoke::smoke:
  16. I remember the first time I got pussy. I said to myself "Self, this pussy was made for you to stick your dick in, perfect fit". God damn I love me some ham wallet!!!!!!!

  17. you guys are putting the pussy on a pedestal.
    i bet half of you are virgins.
  18. Pretty sexist thread. I wonder what the female denizens have to say about this thread? Would it bother you to have a "cock" appreciation thread?

    Have some sensitivity guys, I bet if you did, you might get laid more often.
  19. all i gotta say is...
    yay pussy!
    yay dick!
    there, pussy and dick appreciation all in one post!:D
  20. I also enjoy pussy

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