Here are some cool things to check out if you're high. (Some you may have seen) Flow Flashback Larry Carlson (Lots of trippy stuff there) Boohbah Zone (Trippy show, for kids) Salad Fingers (Bizarre, yet somehow I can't look away) Zoomquilt (Very awesome) Badger, Badger, Badger! (Crazy, posted by LauraJadeth) Kenya (Posted by LauraJadeth) Potter (Posted by CIGRules) Blode (Posted by djrue211) Distortion (Posted by What'sThatSmell) Milkman (Posted by MrMoney) If you know any more, I will add them to the list. ....Just found that obligatory after seeing the Badger, Badger link. Haha.
I would recomend Paprika, it's a anime movie about dreams. Even when sober it dicks me out, amazing to watch while high.
Stare at the middle of the screen for as long as you can then quickly look away. Be prepared for mild shroom perception distortion.
Some are lame and some are really, really cool. EDIT: Bah, forgot you can't embed anymore.
Ahh you stole my thunder! Its okay. That thing is awesome. Here is another one. Either or
I get that sort of effect by playing Guitar Hero 3. Pause all of a sudden and stare at a wall, looks like the wall is bending in.
Thought this would generate more replies... guess I'm the only one who likes to look at crazy stuff online when stoned.