The Obama recovery is a myth.

Discussion in 'Politics' started by ProvidencePlant, Nov 12, 2012.

  1. Those are the real unemployment numbers? Washington is talking about it being round 9% or less. They are usually full of shit so I'd wonder where those 20ish% numbers come from

  2. Alternate Unemployment Charts

  3. Its how we measure unemployment. The unemployment rate does not potray everyone who isn't working. If im remembering right, our measurements changed after the baby boomers because there are so many more old people, therefore more retired.

    But as far as the thread goes. Yes I agree. If Obama just taxes the fuck out of big businesses and the wealthy in general, fewer of us will be put to work.

    There are more factors than that, and a lot of it is out of Obamas control, but I think thats a large part of it.
  4. HAHAHAHA! Great source!

    I trade it all for a little more! Cool story though.

  5. I don't understand what you're trying to say. And the source I posted is the source in the bottom of the image.
  6. Agreed. It is definitely a great source.

  7. I don't trust most sources posted on the bottom of those mass-share devised images, like this.
    Copyright 2003-2012. Shadow Government Statistics, American Business Analytics & Research LLC.
  9. Mice try Sham

  10. I'm still not sure what you said before. What would you trade?...

    And, not supporting the source by any means. Just posting the source listed on the graph.

  11. I see. Well shadowstats, and it's creator John Williams, is a legit source.
  12. Agreed, I like how ToFastTim tried to imply that it wasn't a legit source just by the name


  13. Noted :D
  14. #15 Swills, Nov 12, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 12, 2012
    I figured a good place to start would be to count all the people who are currently receiving unemployment checks. That's who I think of when I hear unemployed. Sure there are old folks living off retirement plans and SS but I don't consider them into my unemployed formula.

    I found a good place to start if we're looking for unemployment paychecks going out state by state,

    Local Area Unemployment Statistics Home Page

    Regional and State Employment and Unemployment Summary

  15. Yeah I gotcha.

    The unemployment rate is unemployed/(unemployed + employed)

    The unemployed number is people over 16 who have recently looked for work, but havent found it. So if you aren't trying (i.e. perhaps many who recieve unemployment checks), you arent counted.

    Thats why the number is misleading.

    The labor force participation rate is helpful.
  16. Yeah there sure are many different ways to calculate the unemployment in a country but the only numbers I care about are the actual numbers of people collecting unemployment checks. You gotta check in every week in order to collect money so that's why I care about only those numbers because their fairly easy to count and updated weekly.

  17. Agreed. These transfer payments are out of control.

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