The Nipple Pinching Ghost

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by tjaymadstax, Feb 8, 2012.

  1. So I recently transferred colleges to a CC about an hour from my hometown. I know a few people there, but they are mostly from previous jobs I've had. Anyway today during a 10 minute break between classes I grabbed a burger at our cafe.

    I was just sitting there alone, and no one was really walking around in the halls. Next thing I know someone is lightly pinching my left nipple from behind. I honestly didn't do anything, I was just like wtf? I turn, and in the corner of my eye and I catch a glimpse of some guy, and it looked exactly like this dude I graduated with in high school, and haven't seen for three years. When I turned around to see what he wanted he was already gone. Didn't see him anywhere.

    The fuck?
  2. hahaha this thread is halarious, ive been waiting to see if anyone else would reply
  3. Sorry bro I just have a fetish for tender nips.
  4. you just been VIOLATED son
  5. Your welcome Steven
  6. lol i wanna know how he managed to grab ur nipple and get otu of ur sight before u could just look over ur shoulder lol
  7. Sounds like psychosis
  8. see if he'll S UR D
  9. Somebody had a thing for you
  10. Seriously, WTH?
  11. That guy obviously pinched your nipple. Go confront him about it and pinch his nipple(s).
  12. Maybe next time he grab dat ass. :)
  13. I love me some purple nurple.
  14. Sounds like prison.:cool:
  15. Its time to escalate this to the next up him. He pinched your nipples, so you suck his dick. Its the perfect plan, he wont even expect it

  16. Yeah, now your only problem is gonna be that damn zipper.
  17. Make him buy you dinner next time.
  18. Hahaha the title of this story is hilarious
  19. That was me, it's my job. :cool:

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