The New Gateway Drug: Video Games!! OH NOES!!

Discussion in 'Marijuana News' started by NefariousBredd, Nov 15, 2011.

  1. Frequent gamers have brain differences, study finds -

    Fourteen-year-olds who were frequent gamers had changes in the reward center of the brain, researchers reported Tuesday. The discovery might connect gaming to addictive behaviors like drug use and gambling. (Allen J. Schaben / Los Angeles Times)

    Though I must admit, gaming is MUCH more fun under the influence of Marijuana. :D
  2. [​IMG]

    I feel like people just spout random inane shit so people will give them their limelight for the two days or so they get it. Is this really a job somewhere where someone is payed to look at causation and effect of video games(Can be changed out with reading or watching TV/Movies, they're all the same thing) in correlation to drug use and gambling problems?

    What a fucking long shot, this guy is over payed, I'm telling you right now.
  3. I better inform my sisters to put their kids in rehab then. By the time they turn 14 their lives are going to be like requiem for a dream, trainspotting, and the basketball diaries all rolled into one.

    It's too late for me tho...damn you donkey kong
  4. World of Warcraft should have turned me into a raving, drug-craving lunatic many years ago.

  5. Ugh, will the "gateway theory" ever end?

    People need to get a clue and realize its human fuckin nature to be curious and try new shit. So there's your "gateway." I am confident in my lawmakers to make human nature against the law very soon, as it could lead to enlightening experiences like marijuana or shrooms! Gasp!
  6. The article didn't mention anything about the gateway theory that was just the op. The article was just saying that an area in some peoples brain is larger which makes people more likely to play games because they enjoy them more. Or the games were making the area larger in a similar way drugs make the reward section larger. Both make sense and it was an interesting article. I don't know why all of you guys are bashing it.
  7. OP quotes this line from the article:

    Fourteen-year-olds who were frequent gamers had changes in the reward center of the brain, researchers reported Tuesday. The discovery might connect gaming to addictive behaviors like drug use and gambling. (Allen J. Schaben / Los Angeles Times)

    Seems very relevant to OP, though the post was largely for entertainment value, not so much to be taken seriously.
  8. smoke weed. fuck the world
  9. Doesn't tell me that video games will LEAD to drug use.
    Tells me video games essentially are a "drug" themselves. Those who crave activation of the pleasure centers of their brain (read: all human beings) might like video games and drugs too, which serve to activate said pleasure centers.

    Overpaid researchers, indeed. :rolleyes::D

    Ever watch special ops in action? The computers and weapons they use look just like a video game.
    Kids have been in "training" for a looooong time now to be good soldiers whose pleasure centers are activated via killing. Scary.

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