the mystery of god

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by dangle, Sep 16, 2009.

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  1. god isnt real though, the universe is.

  2. Who created god? God created himself?

    Please go into more detail about this time you saw god with your own eyes. Tell us why you were so lucky.
  3. lucky? shows how little your assumptions know me. i got aids from a girl i used to like. and then i took dxm not expecting anything of the sort but i felt out of my body listening to a trance song and heard a voice saying look within, listen to your heart. so i did and that's when i found god and my love.

    i don't know how god arose, neither do you know how the universe arose. why should god clarify? what purpose would it serve?

    god's real to me. the universe is also real to me. i guess i have the best of both worlds, although they're both aids-infested.
  4. I am not trying to be harsh here but what does getting aids have to do with god? People in africa die of aids everyday, they dont get to see god, why are you so lucky?

    You do know a side effect of taking DXM is hallucinations correct? When I took dxm I closed my eyes and was flying through black holes with a blue lady, was that god?

    The reason I brought up if god created himself is because you asked the question if the universe created itself as if it were impossible. But it is just as ridiculous to think that god created himself. I do not know how the universe arose but I dont just hand it off to god, its just real convenient for god not to have to explain himself isnt it.

    Again why were you the lucky one who got to meet god? It's a little narcissistic to believe that we are gods chosen species.
  5. whoa whoa whoa slow down there big fella. i never said only humans have met god. but try asking your dog if he's met him. good luck.

    people in africa do die everyday. i'm somalian, i should know. why the fuck do you think i left? why do you think i'm lucky. everyone can find god within themselves. i guess i was meant to walk a lonely road through this life, but there is certainly no one whos fault it can be but mine for the mistakes (note i didn't use the word sins) i've made.

    god is just very forgiving to those down and out. you say africans are not blessed but look at how many are christian. i don't think it's a big mystery like you seem to.

    dxm may make people hallucinate. it may also be a key to entering your inner self without the blocks your mind normally puts up. who knows? ever tried lsd? you may be a born skeptic but god tests all of us, even you.

    i didn't say god created himself because how can i know the extent of god. the best way to describe his nature as far as i can tell is infinite.
  6. Why not? Because I didn't create myself and everything around me? My parents fucked and created me, if god created me, then aren't my parents god? But if I can create a 'god replicate', doesn't that make me god as well? The world, for me, didn't exist until I was born. There was nothing, and then there was everything from my perspective. My perspective is my reality. Without me there would be no everything.

    Here's something I've been waiting to ask someone: If god is perfect, and everything he does is perfect, yet we can't understand god's concept of 'perfect' because he is god, and god created us and we think ourselves 'imperfect'...

    Get where I'm going?

    As is above so is below my man.
  7. My point is that I dont think you are lucky. Because I dont think you have actually seen god. I can "see" god, and find him in myself if I wanted to. But I believe things I can actually see with my own eyes, not by playing tricks on myself. Gravity doesnt need you to believe in it for it to knock you on the ground, global warming doesnt need you to believe in it for it to wipe out life on earth. God does need you to believe in him for him to be there.

    Your telling me other animals believe in god, or have met god? How come they dont pray, how come they dont go to church. Does god have a set of rules that other animals have to follow? Does a misquito go to heaven?
  8. god doesn't replicate. once he's done he gets the fuck on. just because a clock goes in circles doesn't mean time isn't moving forward.

    who thinks they are imperfect? some fundamentalist christian who only knows the words but never the feelings?

    right, ever wonder why you're still alive? it's because you don't need to believe in god to be here. god just needs to believe in you, i'd imagine.

    i don't mind if you don't think i've seen god. i don't think you know what it's like to have aids either but i get the fuck on with my life.

    animals don't pray, they prey. ;)

    okay, but really, i don't pray. i don't need to when god's in my heart man. notice my love for you yet?
  9. #29 Vitamin 420, Sep 16, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 16, 2009
    Excuse me sir, how can you be so sure that your subjective perception of what God "is" and what He "isn't" is any more valid than the next man's? Because you think you "met" God on some DXM trip? Following that logic, someone who's done DXM twice will know twice as much of God then? :D

    How can you logically defend that statement if you are not God? You're taking a huge leap of faith by saying you know what something is when you are not that something. That implies a great deal of understanding, Tell me, do you read the Hebrew Bible, straight up scripture, or a more commonly available version that's been translated 80 times before it reaches your eyes?

    You're getting someone's interpretation of someone's interpretation of someone's interpretation of someone's interpretation of someone's interpretation of someone's interpretation of someone's interpretation of someone's interpretation of someone's interpretation of someone's interpretation of someone's interpretation of someone's interpretation of someone's interpretation of someone's interpretation of someone's interpretation of someone's interpretation of someone's interpretation of someone's interpretation of someone's interpretation of someone's interpretation of someone's interpretation of someone's interpretation of someone's interpretation of someone's interpretation of someone's interpretation of someone's interpretation of someone's interpretation of someone's interpretation of someone's interpretation.

    That's not the best way to find God. :(
  10. i don't know. but realizing i have only to answer to myself and god, mutually embodied in my heart, means i should probably accept my faith as legitimate. my experience led me to this realization - for me it all ties together. besides, if having faith in oneself isnt okay, then how could i have faith in anything, such as other peoples perspectivs or even other people in general? i ddn't say i only know god through dxm, hes now permanently inside my heart, where he always was even when i wasnt sure. i dont think its stupid to expect the same is true of others. im not preaching, as far as i know. as ive said "nobody's fault but mine" if i have the bible in my room and i dont read it all the way through just once before i die when i have the cahnce.

    and your interpretation is that you know the best way to find god? or that you know better at least? ever had a sacred trip? people may think im a loony christian but i had an experience i believe in. ever have one of those, even if others don't believe it?

    i didn't believe the bible at first. i was given lsd (acid) by a mormon so-called "priest" (id say he's a cult leader who abuses his power) at age 12. but i had a strong enough mind to know the truth and to not fall for his lies. after that i denied god was real based on that experience. but on dxm i heard a voice that was crystal clear and it said to look within. i listened to my heart and felt something i knew had to be god. it was nothing like the biblical personification - but i knew the truth could be found in anything once i accepted the truth of myself. perhaps it takes faith until you know from experience you cant deny. i don't know.

    but im not some church boy if that's what you think.

  11. The reason I am still a live is because of god? That's a joke, If I dont believe in god NOTHING changes other then I live a better life.

    Im still trying to figure out how you dont believe we are gods chosen species. Why do we get to go to heaven, why do we get a certain set of rules, why do we get to met god and NO OTHER species can, maybes its because we made him up.
  12. um... we have hands and eyes to make and read books, adding to the test of god leading us through "hell" (life) until we look inside our hearts (heaven)?

    show me a fish that can read and write and ill show you their bible.
  13. Well, having faith is one thing, but telling people they're wrong because it doesn't agree with your perspective is sort of narrow-minded in a discussion about the mystery of God, isn't it? The concept of an all-encompassing, all-knowing, all-Being being is quite broad in its implications, so who's to say that everyone can't be right in some way or another?

    Nope, my opinion of the metaphysical is just as valid as yours. Inherently, my opinion of what's invalid is just as valid as your opinion too, so we both could be totally wrong, and we both could totally be right. Strange, isn't it? We both have experience to guide us, yet the perception of our experience is different. Maybe the essence is more important than the mental manifestations? Hmm.

    And oh yes, I've had some nice sacred trips... :D
  14. But I thought it was god who gave us the eyes and hands to make and read books? Why are we the only species that can do that if we are not gods chosen species?

    Its funny how you call life hell. Shows how ignorant thiests are. They spend their whole lives waiting and trying to get to heaven. If it is such hell then why not just kill yourself now and get to heaven? God will forgive you for doing it. The only thing inside my heart is blood and muscles, no heaven or god in there. I enjoy this life as much as I can because I know it is the only one I have.
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