The Mysterious Bagseed Adventure

Discussion in 'Indoor Grow Journals' started by Jörmungandr, Jun 24, 2012.

  1. The two gals who shuffled outdoors at the start of the month are still hesitant to head into flower but those who arrived to the dance earlier haven't shown any sign of reverting to veg.
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
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  2. Curious that indoor efforts routinely experience bleaching or leaching of their vital essence while the big girls outdoors remain vibrant throughout.
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  3. No harm in trying, the same effort free propagation that allows for building my collection of Mexican petunias without the risks of them overgrowing the yard might possibly work during the Spring and Summer for establishing more players on the field in my hidden garden.
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  4. Given the magnified heat and humidity in a closed greenhouse without ventilation, there's little wonder that the structure of my flowering buds have taken a markedly different character; not sure I believe the impassioned narrative provided in DMs about the "obvious" signs of a virus.
    versus the door only zippered on one side which allows some relief.
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  5. Still holding her head high; would love to see this as a viable vehicle for outdoor greenhouse ganjification.
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  6. First to fall from outdoors.
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  7. Although likely a futile effort, this baby points to a greater potential than I'd given my anonymous bagseed credit for.
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  8. Ta Da!
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  9. Repotted the two gals and realized there really isn't room to shuffle the rest in at this point; toward the end of the month when the girl in the center comes down I can squeeze in a few.
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  10. Keeping the coffee containers properly hydrated is an impossible task as Summer is already throwing 90 degree plus days even before the Solstice. To that end there seemed little to lose granting a pair a more generous footprint.
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  11. Man that's a beautiful set up my friend
  12. I love those fans or is that a mini split?
  13. Cheap twin window fan; my preferred are the little black eight inch Honeywell vortex - they last forever but every other unit I'd had only lasts a few years running 24/7.
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