The movement

Discussion in 'General' started by RVA3, Oct 15, 2012.

  1. So a friends father was a senior during the summer of love 1969. He was blazing with us and we got on the subject. Now personally I find it fascinating, but what was told literally broke my heart and still bothers me.
    He was explaining the energy behind the movement , the cause the push HOW POWERFUL IT WAS. I could not imagine.
    As we all know the hippie movement died an died hard.
    Do we realize an entire generation of people standing up for what they believe and want we're SOOOO CLOSE. But like water marks on a bridge. You can see the water almost broke over , it was so close but just ever so short. Their dreams DIED before their eyes. All of it. Gone.
    Idk why , but that seriously bothers me.

    Does anyone else realize how different our world would be had the dream not died? Let's just hope it's taking a power nap and I will here to see it rise.
  2. How about that last time we had a world leader who wasn't a political leader, shit is disheartening too me too
  3. I dont really see how they could have succeeded.... broke ass hippies (being broke isnt a bad thing) vs propaganda/government with money + ignorant population

    It took us 40 years after that shit to get enough people to agree weed is safe to have a handful of MMJ states... i dont think the hippies stood a fucking chance lol and the hippies wanted a whole boatload of other changes than freedom to indulge in whatever they want....

    sad but true.... it was definitely a battle of "look at these poor homeless pancho wearing people vs look at us in our suits and our doctors and our supportive money and our everything else we have that you cant get without money"

  4. They're responsible for it dying. They had their fun, and instead of continuing to push they all just fell silent.

    It was an interesting social experiment, in that we saw just exactly how complacent people can get.

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