The Most Food Eaten While High?

Discussion in 'General' started by Spindles, Jan 27, 2011.

  1. :)
    1. 6 donuts
    2. A packet of Doritos
    3. Garlic Bread
    4. And a bottle of Sunkist

    :) i had munchies, hardcore!
  2. a tic-tac
  3. homemade pizza
    spicy chicken nuggets
    sesime chicken

  4. damn:eek:
  5. In one sitting I ate a dozen kripy kreme donuts, 2 apples, and a lunch pack size of cheetos, and some peanut butter off a spoon... I ended up puking a couple hours later...

  6. Three footlong sandwiches, 2 bags of chips, an endless supply of kit-kats, and stuff I can't even remember.
  7. When I first started toking my buddy and I crushed two home made za's a gallon of IC, big bag of skittles, bag of pop corn, half bag of munchos, half gallon of water... I don't drink anything aside from juices, milk(sparringly), h2o and of course... WHISKEY!
  8. 8" Hawaiian Pizza from BP
    4 Corndogs when I got home
    1 bowl of leftover Extra Creamy KD
    Half package of bologna fried up
    3 glasses of Pepsi (at BP)
    2-750ml cans of Arizona Iced Tea

    This was all within an hour. (I smoked outside before the food came at Boston Pizza)
  9. Man. Within like 2 hours, I've eaten a double quarter pounder with cheese, Medium fries, 2 mcdoubles, 2 mcchickens, 2 apple pies, 2 dollar bags of cool ranch doritos w/ cheese dip, 1 dollar bag of spicy nacho cheese doritos w/ more cheese dip, a honey bun, 32 oz. gatorade, water, and like 5 packs of now and laters. The munchies are a motherfucker. No matter how much I eat, I have the munchies for about 2 hours. I had to share my doritos tho :(
  10. A 3lb bag of peppered elk jerky, and z 1lb thing of jordan almonds.

    And another time I eat a whole jar of haberno stuffed green olives.
  11. 10 oranges 3 bagels 2 cheesesteak steak um's
    apple cranberry juice ^_^

  12. :) doritos ftw! i love the original flavour :) the plain ones, oh and eating them with avocado dip!!! munchies hardcore!
  13. I've woken up with 2 bags of chips empty 2 protein shakes and 1 gallon of water empty O.O
  14. Me and my buddy got super baked and got a triple bigmac combo extra large fries xtra large drink 2 apple pies and a medium mcflurry each!! And we ate all our meals in just under 5 minutes!

    I later ditched him because i felt so shitty and was about to projectile vomit everywhere

    I get home get into the bath and while soaking there holding my stomach i lurch forward and puck up all the mcdonalds between my legs in the bathtub:eek:

    Something i will always remember tho :rolleyes:
  15. I usually eat healthy foods whenever I get the munchies, but sometimes the situation just calls for an all out assault on junk food. So one time my friend and I went to Hooters for some chicken wings. We had 50 each. Such an epic meal. When we got down to twenty, we had a race to see who would finish first. Luckily, I had learned a method to raze a chicken wing in mere seconds. Needless to say, we walked out of there only to blaze up and go into Krispy Kreme, which happened to have literally just opened that day. There was a camera outside and we both yelled "four-twenty!" as we walked in front of the cameraman. Think we came out of the donut shop with a box of a dozen donuts, which we later shared between some other people.
  16. I foresee a profitable career in prostitution for you.:devious:

  17. Ha ha ha ha
  18. GUM!

    will always find me needing a stick of gum, especially since my peeps never seem to enjoy cleaning their pieces. mother fuckers. other than that it varies depending on what sort of fast food i want.
  19. i've been known to scarf a box of hamburger helper to myself when i got the munchies.

    hide yo fridge hide yo pantry

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