The moment of truth..

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by ChronicPhonix, Mar 18, 2010.

  1. Hey all, I'm a long time Grasscity lurker but a long time toker!

    Anyway, I've previously tried growing a few times, but it never seems to work out. I can only recall two times but I think their have been more. Anyway, the point is they never really get past the seedling stage. ( Please keep in mind I have to grow outdoors ) The farthest I got was when I had one that was about an inch in diameter and it was growing it's second set of leaves but the thing is, when i started growing it, it was in my windowsill. Hence, it wasnt getting the light it needed so the stem stretched tall and skinny and when I decided it was time to go outside at about a week in, ( I knew there was a light problem ) I put it outside and its growth rate increased dramatically so the leaves got heavy and eventually the stem broke.

    Anyway, I germinated 3 seeds on the 13th of this month, gave two of them to my girlfriend to grow, and kept one for myself. So on the 15th, I planted the one I kept directly into a pot with nutrient enhanced soil, right smack in the middle. Usually they end up on the sides of the pot with me, so I had a good feeling about this for some reason. Anyway, I found a nice spot where it gets what seems like a very reasonable amount of light/shade, close in distance from my house, and it is very hard to spot and is convenient to get to and water.

    To cut to the chase, my plant is looking very healthy for only being a few days old and I would really like for it to continue growing. Are there any tips from veteran growers that you'd like to share with me? Obviously besides the obvious water daily, dont cook it, and all of those generic ones.

    Also, I tossed 15 decent seeds in a long patch of dirt nearby to fall back on, and one of them has sprouted above dirt :hello:

    This might seem pointless, but basically I want to get past what I like to call "The moment of truth", where it gets past the seedling stage so if anything unfortunate were to happen, it would atleast be strong enough to fix itself.

    I'm a total noob, but any tips are help!!
  2. dont water every day. You will rot the roots. Lift your pot when freshly watered and when bone dry. start to get a feel for the weight and water accordingly. MJ does not like to be constantly wet, let her dry out between waterings.

    for an outdoor grow you will want at least 5 gallon pots.
  3. Thanks man I really appreciate it. I have it in a small pot as it is only a seedling and i hadn't taken that into consideration but once it gets a little bigger and stronger i will definitely transplant it into a much larger pot.
  4. so wait grrower, im planting my seed soon too its almost finished germinating but.. how much water should i give it? through its whole process of growing?
  5. I'd ditch that seed, educate yourself on what you are trying to do and then germ up another one once you're ready. You failed twice and have still yet to bother taking the time to learn about growing. It's not as simple as it would seem.
  6. You're gonna come to the absolute beginners forum and bash someone for asking for pointers? Ditch the ego man, I'm just looking for some tips. And I've done a pretty fair amount of research this round; all im asking for is for an experienced grower to share some wisdom. You learn by doing man, sometimes you gotta get your hands dirty and find out for yourself..
  7. chronic jus keep that plant goin man
  8. there is no set number of oz or gallons. your grow has different conditions than everyone elses.

    I only have to water my 3 gallon containers every 5-7 days, but some people water the same volume every 3 days.

    just drown the soil once then wait for it to dry completely, then drown it again. You'll get a feel for it as you go.
  9. Not that is is my place but i thought i would say something anyway. LBH is the man, him and a few others on this forum that take the time to reply to us "absolute beginners" should be shown a bit of respect.

    I don't think he was bashing anyone. If the person he is talking about didn't even attempt to read any of the stickies, guides, and just all the random topics on these forums. Then they really should wait to grow.

    Just because you do not like what he has to say doesn't make him wrong.
  10. I don't know how anyone wouldn't be slightly offended after someone tells them a 'stop, get educated, cause you keep messing up and you're a scrub' type thing.

    I suppose i'll take my concerns elsewhere :confused:
  11. He never called anyone a scrub. As for telling someone to get educated on w/e it is he/she is doing.. Um really? lol. Would you try to build an atomic bomb w/o knowing the slightest thing about how it works? Just common sense is all. He just seemed straight to the point with no bullshit. Take it with a grain of salt. No reason to get defensive.
  12. I thought pot made you paranoid, not defensive. :smoking:
  13. Never had herb make me noid. I am sure there is some out there that would though? lol
  14. Yeah, I'm sorry but about what you said but I could never respect anyone who approached me so rudely for no reason.
  15. #15 Shang99, Mar 19, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 19, 2010
    Difference in opinions spark debates. As long as they are healthy debates it's all good. You have to look at it from his point of view as well. I am sure he and alot of the other established people on these forums deal with alot of dumb shit. Post after post about the exact same thing. When all the person had to do is just read a tiny bit. Not only would they answer their own questions for the most part. They would learn new questions and new answers to those questions as well. Hell I know I have done it myself. I try to learn from my mistakes though.
  16. #16 LBH, Mar 19, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 19, 2010
    I have a pretty decent rep for helping the newer folks, ego has nothing to do with it, many helped me and I'm just passing that on.

    Don't be offended, I'm just trying to save you the time and money I, and many others here who were also beginners once, have wasted. I don't just tell people what they want to hear, I tell them what my real opinion is, most appreciate that.

    Sorry for the advice, I'll avoid your thread so as not to offend you anymore.
  17. You have nothing to be sorry about. The simple fact is you are taking your time to help people like him and me. On a forum that you have contributed SOO much too. If the person cannot take the advice of someone who knows what they speak. It is their loss. He can't see the bigger picture.
  18. Quit brown nosing.
  19. Ok, now you are just being childish.
  20. #20 LBH, Mar 19, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 20, 2010
    growing isn't for you dude, at least,....GC isn't for you. We're about helping each other out and backing each other up, bringing each other to the next level, growers do. If you think I approached you rudely, you're mind may be too narrow altogether for this.

    Might wanna try a forum with a little more tolerance for ignorance cause you won't be getting any help here.

    BTW- you have to be 18 to join here anyway, your character resembles that of someone much younger.

    - rep, held off as long as I could but you make it impossible.

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