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The Mobile Stoner

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Laryno, Mar 11, 2012.

  1. What do you use for carrying your stuff around while on the go? I find that camera cases work very well; they are small and can hold everything I need: spoon, lighter, grinder, eye drops.
  2. small camra case here also....when i was younger and always carried stuff i use to stick it in a sock then into a wrist guard and slip it on my waist line.
  3. I just cary a tiny little pipe the size of my index finger in a black velvet back with my lighter and a little baggy of my pregrinded greens. It all fits neatly in my pocket. :D
  4. The more time I spend on GC the more of the same threads show up over and over again but since I clicked on it I guess ill contribute.

    I carry
    -small spoon pipe
    -pre-grinded weed

    thats it
  5. If you're going to bash someones thread, at least know what the thread is about.

    He asked what you carry your stuff IN, not what you bring.
  6. cigarette box
  7. Oakley sunglasses case.
  8. I used to carry all my stuff around but when I got it all taken away by the cops I stopped carrying things around with me.
  9. I use the MFLB tin can and my backpack with my grinder in a pocket that it fits in perfectly snug so it won't tip over. I then also have all my skate gear in the main part of the bag so that I have an excuse for why my backpack is always with me.
  10. i just carry my shit, grinder in my pocket, mason jar in my pocket, lighter in my pocket, pipe in case in my pocket. so i guess my case(s) are my pockets
  11. i put the stuff in my pockets of a jacket and then the jacket in a gym bag.
  12. [quote name='"KillaWillaBilla"']i just carry my shit, grinder in my pocket, mason jar in my pocket, lighter in my pocket, pipe in case in my pocket. so i guess my case(s) are my pockets[/quote]

    You keep a mason jar in your pocket???
  13. I usually don't have a carrying case for anything.

    Sometimes I'll use a first aid kit :p

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