The Media is starting to creep me out.

Discussion in 'General' started by Oddyball, Jun 26, 2009.

  1. #1 Oddyball, Jun 26, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 26, 2009

    What creeps me out is not the photo of Michael Jackson's veiled corpse. No, what creeps me out his how TMZ could chronicle these events so... systematically. It seems like the media has perfected a way to feed us information. I'd like to also reference to this photo:


    Maybe I can see the transparency of the media so much more vividly in this instance because MJ was my generation. I'm 23 years old and MJ was as much part of my life as the Simpsons - he was always there. I feel in a way like a member of my family has passed - and to see a photo of his body which was probably tweeted, downloaded, speed through the hands of a few office workers and plastered on the front page in 34 seconds makes me feel bad as a person. We sell one another, our own species, off as a way to get ratings.

    I just kind of feel disgusted at the media right now because of how they also handled the allegations against him. To see so much love/hate streaming in his direction from the media, I just don't know who's side they are on; ours or the money. They sensationalize everything and it degrades from the memory and meaning of who he as a person was, not who this image of pop he portrayed was.
  2. they want the story, they want the money. If it sells, they're talking about it. If they're talking about it, they're over-dramatizing it... to sell, sell, sell

    you heard it first!
    This just in!
    Exclusive coverage!
  3. is it just me or does that look like a giant joint? like shorty from scary movie 2? and i thought body bags were black i cant believe he died though i grew up listenin to him when i was little, anyone think its BS that he died from just a heart attack? i mean i read he had a heart attack after taking presciption drugs but if they're prescribed he probably has been taking them for a while and for them to suddenly cause a heart attack doesnt make sense to me :confused:
  4. Fuck the news corporations and their lack of respect for human life.
  5. Tmz is the lowest of the low and they are not a news source.
  6. i <3 gc
  7. Not just any...the king of joints. :smoke:
  8. Michael Jackson affected every one of your lives whether you want to admit it or not

    thriller changed the world for keeps
  9. this really didnt affect me
    and i dont understand why people are so crushed by it
    everyone hates him and makes fun of himand as soon as he dies
    he was a great man
    fuck the bullshit
    most of the good musicians are already dead anyways

  10. That's exactly why it's tragic when we lose another one.
  11. *sigh* I always hated this, he's dead, and that's tragic, but I think it's completely disrespectfull to be covering his death's details that closely. It's just unneeded.
  12. every pop icon (male or female)
    is in Michael Jackson's debt.

  13. yes he as a singer was great
    but he turned into a completely different person after
    its tragic that hes dead because he didnt deserve to die
    but the same media and fans that scolded him and made fun of him
    are the same fuckers who are "crushed by this tragedy"
    its such crap

  14. Agreed, I automaticly lose all respect for anyone who actually changes the colour of his skin to be more successful.
  15. Wow, you sound mean.

    Anyways, I agree to disagree. You didnt have to like Michael persay to respect him. Even people that bashed him in comedy skits, or on stage, have mad respect for that man.

    Michael Jackson was not just a great musician, or a legend, he was an Icon. He made pop what it is today.

    People are not being hypocrites, they just realize an Icon of music died, and they are sad.

  16. u are the only person who has ever said that too me on GC or in real life and meant it

    also people need to learn wat respect is then
  17. I'm there with you 100%. When someone told me in the supermarket that he had died, it was almost like a joke. The person even laughed and said "Nah, I'm just kidding; that's my attempt at being racist."

    The poor guy has been a joke over the past 10 years, maybe the media is finally feeling some guilt. The OP is right; in the past 3-5 years, how different things are becoming. I must be getting old. :rolleyes:
  18. What pisses me off about the media is that this bullshit is going to push all of the news that is ACTUALLY IMPORTANT AND RELEVANT back into the shadows. There is a lot of VERY important legislation going through the govt right now, but people are more concerned with a dead body than with issues that will actually affect them.

    I wish TMZ would just up and die as well.... that perez hilton piece of shit too

  19. Indeed. Mike changed the world.

    He's still a sick pedophile fuck though.

    Back in the early days when MtV was ACTUALLY playing a higher % of videos to (anything else) black artists just weren't played on MtV. Thriller changed all of that. It forced them to open the door to multiracial musical genres.

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