the meaning of life

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by LilWyte2590, Aug 13, 2006.

  1. so what exactly do you think is the true meaning of life?

    the answer ive formed so far is in my sig.its what i consider close to true,but not right yet.

    p.s. no fuckin flaming on peoples beliefs,answer etc.
  2. wow, this has already been figured out. the meaning of life is whatever you want it to be. if your born and want to become a rockstar. than your MEANING OF LIFE is to be a rockstar. if you just want to stay fucked up all day then drugs are your meaning of life. Or if your like me, you dont have, and dont give a fuck about the meaning of life. your just alive, numb to it all.
  3. Sometimes I lie awake at night and struggle with this question; “what is the meaning of life?” But at the end of it I find that to ponder such a question is like wondering what's at the other end of the universe, or what's under a rock in a field of a country that I will never visit? How would such knowledge help me? Similarly, would knowing the meaning of life enrich me and make me a better person? Would being able to tell my friends and family make me a more complete human being? Would the answer eliminate my daily fears? I must answer “fuck no” to all of these questions if I'm going to get any sleep because the human experience is enhanced not be gaining answers to insolvable questions but by asking more questions. Knowledge tends to pile up and not all of it is of practical use, but questions push us forward to places we can barely dream about.

    To know the meaning of life is to take away life's mysterious grandeur and reduce it to so many dissected facts that can't be digested and enjoyed by everyone. Not everyone can understand linear algebra or Newtonian physics but everyone can enjoy a cool glass of water on a hot day. There is no ultimate meaning as we can comprehend it--thankfully--because the answer to that question undermines our very existence. To be human is to never have complete answers. I have no idea how many cells are in my body but I love chocolate. I could never count all the sand on a given seashore but I'd love to walk through it barefoot. I could never tell you where all of the ingredients to Captain Crunch come from but it's some of the best stoner food you can eat.

    So... Sit back, roast a bowl, and be thankful that life offers glorious sensations for all of us to feel.

    “The mountains, rivers, earth, grasses, trees, and forests are always emanating a subtle, precious light, day and night, always emanating a subtle, precious sound, demonstrating and expounding to all people the unsurpassed ultimate truth.”


    Stay green.
  4. i think the meaning of life is just to have fun and to keep repopulating of course with a cure comes a diseas and with bad comes good but u have to look past the bad and focus on the good
  5. there is no meaning of life. we just happen to be the pinnacle of evolution and we are capable of asking advanced questions such as " what is the meaning of life?"

    [​IMG] ( P ) Pronunciation Key (l[​IMG]f)
    n. pl. lives (l[​IMG]vz)
      1. The property or quality that distinguishes living organisms from dead organisms and inanimate matter, manifested in functions such as metabolism, growth, reproduction, and response to stimuli or adaptation to the environment originating from within the organism.
      2. The characteristic state or condition of a living organism.
    1. Living organisms considered as a group: <cite>plant life; marine life.</cite>
    2. A living being, especially a person: <cite>an earthquake that claimed hundreds of lives.</cite>
    3. The physical, mental, and spiritual experiences that constitute existence: <cite>the artistic life of a writer.</cite>
      1. The interval of time between birth and death: <cite>She led a good, long life.</cite>
      2. The interval of time between one's birth and the present: <cite>has had hay fever all his life.</cite>
      3. A particular segment of one's life: <cite>my adolescent life.</cite>
      4. The period from an occurrence until death: <cite>elected for life; paralyzed for life.</cite>
      5. Slang. A sentence of imprisonment lasting till death.
    4. The time for which something exists or functions: <cite>the useful life of a car.</cite>
    5. A spiritual state regarded as a transcending of corporeal death.
    6. An account of a person's life; a biography.
    7. Human existence, relationships, or activity in general: <cite>real life; everyday life.</cite>
      1. A manner of living: <cite>led a hard life.</cite>
      2. A specific, characteristic manner of existence. Used of inanimate objects: “Great institutions seem to have a life of their own, independent of those who run them” (New Republic).
      3. The activities and interests of a particular area or realm: <cite>musical life in New York.</cite>
      1. A source of vitality; an animating force: <cite>She's the life of the show.</cite>
      2. Liveliness or vitality; animation: <cite>a face that is full of life.</cite>
      1. Something that actually exists regarded as a subject for an artist: <cite>painted from life.</cite>
      2. Actual environment or reality; nature.
    1. Of or relating to animate existence; involved in or necessary for living: <cite>life processes.</cite>
    2. Continuing for a lifetime; lifelong: <cite>life partner; life imprisonment.</cite>
    3. Using a living model as a subject for an artist: <cite>a life sculpture.</cite>
    <cite>as big as life</cite>
    1. Life-size.
    2. Actually present.
    <cite>bring to life</cite>
    1. To cause to regain consciousness.
    2. To put spirit into; to animate.
    3. To make lifelike.
    <cite>come to life</cite><dl><dd> To become animated; grow excited.</dd></dl> <cite>for dear life</cite><dl><dd> Desperately or urgently: <cite>I ran for dear life when I saw the tiger.</cite> </dd></dl><cite>for life</cite><dl><dd> Till the end of one's life.</dd></dl> <cite>for the life of (one)</cite><dl><dd> Though trying hard: <cite>For the life of me I couldn't remember his name.</cite> </dd></dl><cite>not on your life</cite> Informal <dl><dd>Absolutely not; not for any reason whatsoever.</dd></dl> <cite>take (one's) life</cite><dl><dd> To commit suicide.</dd></dl> <cite>take (one's) life in (one's) hands</cite><dl><dd> To take a dangerous risk.</dd></dl> <cite>take (someone's) life</cite><dl><dd> To commit murder.</dd></dl> <cite>the good life</cite><dl><dd> A wealthy, luxurious way of living.</dd></dl> <cite>the life of Riley</cite> Informal <dl><dd>An easy life.</dd></dl> <cite>the life of the party</cite> Informal <dl><dd>An animated, amusing person who is the center of attention at a social gathering.</dd></dl> <cite>to save (one's) life</cite><dl><dd> No matter how hard one tries: <cite>He can't ski to save his life.</cite> </dd></dl><cite>true to life</cite><dl><dd> Conforming to reality.</dd></dl>
    <hr align="left" width="25%">[Middle English, from Old English<tt> l[​IMG]f</tt>. See<tt> leip- </tt>in Indo-European Roots.]
    [Download Now or Buy the Book]
    Source: <cite>The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition
    Copyright © 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company.
    Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

    It was at

    -Gino C.
  7. Wow there are atually some smart people here, excellent post.
  8. :hello:
  9. That's the meaning of the word life bro. I personally don't think there is a meaning to life. I beleive in evolution and I think we started from something and will never stop evolving. In millions and millions of years yeah I think life will be much different then it is now but that's not the point. WE are alive now, I don't plan on wasting my time trying to figure out what it will be like when I'm dead cause the point is I will be dead. Sure it'd be great to know but I honestly don't care.
  10. My meaning in life is...To get high :)
  11. AK Infinity, your posts are just too good. :D +rep
  12. "Life" IS just a word. I submit it's an illigitimate question. It's too general. What is meant by the meaning of life exactly? The meaning of my life? The meaning of your life? The meaning of the existence of all things living in the universe? Or do you just mean a doctrine by which human beings should live?

    What does anything mean really? Meaning is just reference data. Words are just symbols for observed things.

    Oh well, that's the way I see it anyway. I'm more than likely wrong. It's only philosophy.
  13. +Rep. Amen brother.

    I like to do the best i can, But i still think there is no meaning.

    I feel the same, I honestly dont care, I dont bother about it. I live for now.

    And +Rep to AK too, Real interesting post.
  14. I believe you're given life, and its empty, and the point of it is to try and remain content and happy with it all. Things that you can do to fill your life up is have and maintain a family, get into relationships, and really just please all 5 senses.
  15. you find that out when you die i believe
  16. the meaning of life is to have no meaning. no identification. no roots. do what you desire, don't interfere with anyone elses personal space, and respect all. freedom of mind, body, and spirit.
  17. Truth and love, my friend, truth and love.
  18. there is no meaning, because not everyone would interperate one goal or focus of a life, its like the taoist theory of relativity, what the meaning could be to one person to another, is completely different. Anyways life is what u make of it.

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