The Loss of Ego

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by Cha0n1x, May 17, 2009.

  1. I find that the more I smoke (in one sitting, as in quantity of marijuana in weight) the more I feel this sense of what I call a "loss of ego"
    Where I can get to a point that feels so distant from myself and for only a brief moment it scares me, and then my mind sort've "blends" into this collective energy or conciousness.

    Anybody else ever feel like that or been in that headspace?
  2. On acid I have several times and it doesn't feel good.
  3. Sounds like a good way to describe salvia trips for me haha. I think it depends on how you view it; if you view it like "this is scary, wtf is happening", you aint gonna enjoy it. If you view it in a better way, like "sweet, I gotta make the most of this high, this shit's buzzy!" then you'll get a better high and you'll be able to enjoy that experience.
    imo :smoking::)
  4. Do not fear losing ego; it's that getting beyond ego that gets you closer to the point of your existence, which is that you are a part of the whole.
  5. I experienced this on several different mushroom trips and the last time I tripped on lsd, took two blotter hits and a sugar cube and was wrecked all night long...on Halloween. There was this dude dressed as the devil who went all out, red makeup all over his face, big ass horns, red clothes, cape and everything. And he was a really loud motherfucker so he was always the center of attention. After watching what a major dick face this guy was I kind of got lost in my head about who this guy really was and who I was. It was intense and you will only really know what I am talking about when you experience it for yourself.

    Oh yeah and salvia did this to me the very first time I smoked 10x.

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