The Living Soil or Is The Soil Alive?

Discussion in 'Growing Organic Marijuana' started by Possuum, Jul 28, 2010.

  1. #1 Possuum, Jul 28, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 29, 2010
    In an effort to determine the ‘liveliness’ of my soil life I tossed a few pieces of uncooked oatmeal on the top surface of two of my four soil containers. Within 24 hrs all of this oatmeal was enveloped by white microbial growth. I can only assume this is a testament to the soil’s microherd ‘liveliness’ as the oatmeal is being consumed with high velocity and overwhelming numbers of microbes of some variety. Does this in itself indicate a lively microherd?

  2. Possuum,

    I wonder the same thing. Every year I throw leaves and brush over my spots when the show is over, and every spring it seems most of it is gone. Even during the growing season I notice the cover I lay down seems to disapear. I have not been anywhere close as devoted to you in the soil quality but from what I've been reading these last few months I gotta believe it is a testament to the activity in the soil. Earth the greatest recycler.
  3. maybe try dry malnutritioned soul and see if it acts the same way?
    good question my friend
  4. I'm going with living soil.......................

    Here's why:

  5. The Living Soil Is Alive?

    yup, that sounds about right.

    and whatever Lumper says...
  6. That is awesome that you could see in a days time the oatmeal decompose. Certainly some lively microbes you got there:wave:

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