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The Key to Bigger Bong Hits!

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Xenfire, Jul 15, 2010.

  1. For all you apprentice tokers out there who are new to toking, come one come all, I have the key to bigger bong tokes!

    Here it is

    Inhale with your lower diaphram. Instead of just using the front of your lungs, lean up straight, and inhale with the whole of your almighty lungs.

    There ya go ;) .

    Follow this and you'll be rippin' it big time in no time at all :D
  2. Great tip! Been doin this for years. Get much bigger hits.
  3. I always thought diaphragmatic breathing was a fairly common concept
  4. I know :D. But a few of my friends weren't doing it, and coughing up a lung on SMALLER tokes, so I was just letting the percent of the community know that don't already ;)
  5. lol nice tip :rolleyes:

    thats kinda obvious.

    when you light a bowl, firstly use a hemp wick or better, and then light that shit on the top, dont burn it by holding the flame there the whole time, you wanna make it cherry nicely. just move the flame around so its even, take it away and milk the cherry nice and slowly. dont suck to hard, after it looks to be getting to nothing but ash re-apply the flame and snap that fucker. then clear the smoke with whatevers left of yoour lungs, suck it down into your lungs and exhale.:wave::bolt:
  6. Exhale and then hit it As quick as you can. I remember doing a 1 hit quitter of some of dank and using my friends bong...

    Literally after 1 huge hit i was moderately stoned
  7. get a water or ice bong up in that fizzle
  8. i snap .4 bongs of my average dank and get stoned but 1 after another and im good to go! :smoke:

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