kay, this is how ya play. take the name of a song, movie, album, band/artist and put 'in my pants' after it. if you're smart, you'll think of the really good ones. We Made You in my pants Bitches in my pants All I Want Is You in my pants Guns And Cigarettes in my pants Little Man in my pants LETS GO!
Bottle Rocket in my pants An Ever Pulsating Brain That Rules From the Center of the Ultraworld in my pants
deez nutz in my pants bitches aint shit in my pants aint nothin but a g thang in my pants incarcerated scarfaces in my pants
daddy day care in my pants 300 in my pants little fockers in my pants the room in my pants King kong in my pants in other news, as i was thinking of a new movie title to post, a massive spider ran across the wall on the other side of the room. i flew to defcon 2 and got my flashlight, and tried to crush it with an issue of American Rifleman (it seemed appropriate. i was going to use Popular Science, but it wasnt as fitting.). it didnt work however, and all the spider did was fall behind my dresser. my only hope now is that the other spiders back there will kill him in a turf war.
A Whole Lotta Love...in my pants Lethal Weapon...in my pants Good News For People That Love Bad News...in my pants Public Enemy...in my pants
hootie hoo in my pants green hornet in my pants the matrix in my pants the kentucky derby in my pants
Xxplosive in my pants Let's get High in my pants I'm Straight in my pants Gonorrhea in my pants Big Things in my pants Go Crazy in my pants Spend Some Time in my pants I can do this all day
6 feet in my pants Tell me what to swallow in my pants I need you in my pants Can you feel it in my pants
candy shop in my pants do ya in my pants let it be in my pants fell like makin love in my pants purple haze in my pants wish you were here in my pants all songs lol