The Government's Last Futile Stands To Keep Pot Illegal

Discussion in 'Marijuana News' started by Skunky Monkey, Aug 13, 2011.

  1. #61 thaSPACEkadet, Aug 21, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 21, 2011
    C. Time to light up (a joint :smoke: )

    this is my new favorite movie

    edit- what do you bet the host is baked as shit the whole time
  2. Well, I watched it all. As an activist I like to keep up with the propaganda du jour. Here are their main points all easily refuted.

    1. Legalizing cannabis would send the wrong message to our kids.

    Currently cannabis is far easier for kids to get than alcohol. Rescheduling it as a controlled substance shows your kids that you know the truth about cannabis and makes it much harder for them to acquire.

    2. Cannabis is a gateway drug, studies show that almost everyone who uses cocaine or heroin started with cannabis. People who try cannabis and have a good experience are likely to think they will have a similar good experience with harder drugs.

    By scheduling cannabis as the same as cocaine or heroin, the government is the one propagating the idea that they are the same. While I'm sure that most cocaine or heroin users did try cannabis first, it's much cheaper and easier to find, the vast majority of cannabis users never try harder drugs.

    3. Cannabis edibles, especially candies and lollipops could end up in the hands of our kids.

    I've seen liquor filled chocolates sold at Walmart. They would have far more of an effect on a kid than a hemp lollipop which contains no THC. True cannabis edibles have their place and should be sold as a controlled substance to keep them away from kids.


    4. Cannabis today is not like your parents pot, it is up to 25% stronger.

    True, the pot we had in the 70's was mostly imported from places like Afghanistan where it was pressed into bricks and shipped overseas. It was of very poor quality and contained stems and seeds. Today's cannabis is grown locally by people who trim their harvest and sell it as buds. The main difference - you don't have to smoke as much and it's far healthier for you.


    5. High numbers of people seeking treatment for cannabis addiction show it's addictive. 162% rise in last 10 years.

    Those seeking cannabis treatment has risen right along with the number of arrests. Casual users are often given the option of seeking treatment to avoid jail time.

    6. Cannabis can lead to depression, suicidal thoughts and schizophrenia as adults that started smoking it before the age of 18.

    These are "facts" based on information from child psychiatrists who have noticed that many of their patients also smoke cannabis. I'll bet that they also play video games and drink Coca-Cola. In any case, no one is advocating the use of cannabis by kids. Rescheduling cannabis as a controlled substance will make it a lot harder for our kids to get.


    7. Cannabis use causes a drop in fertility during use which is temporary.

    Most people who are trying to conceive a child don't do drugs or drink alcohol. Perhaps a slight temporary fertility drop is not a bad thing.


    8. Cannabis use causes loss of motivation.

    Yes, often people who smoke cannabis are less active while they are smoking it. Cannabis has a relaxing effect. Most people are unaware that cannabis is used by pretty much everyone in society, including professionals.


    9. Cannabis is detected in more people involved in car accidents than any other drug.

    This makes perfect sense considering that cannabis is the most widely used drug and it stays in the body a week or more after consumption. Cannabis detection is not a sign of impairment.


    10. The prisons are not full of casual cannabis users, most are violent criminals.

    Of those caasual cannabis users that are in prison, 99% of them are of a visible minority. The US currently imprison a greater percentage of it's citizens than any other country in the world. Roughly half of those in federal prisons are there for drugs. The drug war has failed.
    • Like Like x 1
  3. Heheee!

    ... oh wait, they're serious?


  4. Fucking awesome man i'm going to make a you tube account and send this to the people who posted this video. :devious:I will Rep you as soon as i can.
  5. I tried to post it as a comment on the You Tube page with the video but it wouldn't take it - too many words. I think that a professional quality video that refutes their points would be helpful to the cause, though.

    The only way to fight propaganda is with truth. The problem is the government are the only ones talking in a way that everyday people hear. If we want to realize the full legalization of cannabis as a controlled substance we have to move beyond the pothead persona and show that cannabis users come from every walk of life.

  6. Wait, what??
  7. Someone should make a youtube video reading all of the responses to the video and then post that video as a response.
  8. Well I'm just gonna say this. Check out all them dislikes man? We're tired of being lied to about things like marijuana. "Once someone trys and likes marijuana they're more likely to try another more powerful drug" This is completely false, if marijuana was legal we wouldn't have to go through dealers and we would never even see any harder drugs nor know anyone with them to get them from. Is the government really this dumb?
  9. Even worse - the government are the ones who are telling us that cannabis is as bad as cocaine and heroin. They are scheduled as the same class of drug. So - if a kid tries cannabis and enjoys it and then gets curious about the other things his street dealer sells, well they are about the same as cannabis, right?
    • Like Like x 1

  10. Hell yeh man :hello: Great argument
  11. Ok, why the hell is a drop in fertility a bad thing? There should be more people fucking, less kids coming out, anyways.
  12. Thats basically a modern day reefer madness movie. Filled nothing but 100% bullshit. The bullshit has been FDA approved.
  13. Propanganda makes the world go 'round?
  14. this just as bad as the 1938 reefer madness propaganda movies that the government made........... propaganda propaganda propaganda
  15. Actually this one goes a step further. They even show scenes from Reefer Madness and advise parents not show it to kids, stating that scare tactics just don't work. They strongly advise that parents tell their kids the truth.

    It's propaganda building on propaganda - lies on top of lies. The government is VERY good at this. Considering that most intelligent cannabis users are too afraid to speak up I suspect they will do very well with their new propaganda.

  16. Yep they did that so know one could say oh that's just reefer madness shit :rolleyes: FUCK the Government :mad:
  17. We, as cannabis users, are just as much to blame for the way the general public currently views cannabis use as the government.

    We give them Cheech and Chong, Ridgemont High and when we make the news it's for protests that only make us look like the bunch of dirty hippies that everyone else thinks we are. Our websites are full of "what's the highest you've ever been?" and 420 bullshit. Being part of an underground culture is fun but it's not doing our legalization cause any good.

    What would really help is if professionals who also use cannabis came out of the closet. People realizing that ordinary productive people use cannabis would go a long ways to changing their views on it. I wouldn't hold my breath on that though, they have too much to lose, more because of the stigma attached to it than because it's illegal.

    However, we should be putting together some resources to counter the government with TV ads and YouTube videos of our own that show the real truth about cannabis. Until we're ready to fight them on their own ground nothing will change.
  18. dad your to fat to be a these cock smokers love to lie they should go to jail

  19. The government is more to blame though, i get where your coming from but people think that weed kills you and makes you stupid because of the government so yeh partially movies but allot more is because og the government.
  20. #80 Visionary, Aug 24, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 24, 2011
    I will admit that the threads on here where some kid has way to much and starts freaking out don't help our cause much. "oh noes I smoked mass bud for 3 days and now I think I'm gonna die". Then the next day they wake up and say "ok I may have overreacted." Ofc it it were alcohol that he had to much of he'd probably die or get in a car wreck or something.

    Then you get all the idiotic threads about how to smoke from tin cans and hide the weed from your parents. ;/

    What the legalization movement needs right now is for all the WINNERS who use pot to come out of the closet and endorse legalization. People like Michael Phelps, pro athletes, wall street execs, CEO's and others. It's like if society only focused on the negative aspects of alcohol and thought movies like Animal House or most other college movies were an accurate representation of your typical drinker.

    Probably 90% of pot users are responsible decent adults who also have a life, job, kids etc. 10% might be your stereotypical lazy stoners, but they're still better than the alcoholics who are out running your kids over/beating their spouse/committing violent acts in general.

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