The general Call of Duty thread.

Discussion in 'Gamer's Heartbeat' started by Raizor, Jan 26, 2013.

  1. #1 Raizor, Jan 26, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 26, 2013
    This thread is for any and all Call of Duty conversation.

    I've been playing CoD since the demo came out for the original on the PC. I've played all but maybe 1-2 of the early games since then. So I can be considered a CoD OG.

    I'd like to say, if you're a quick scoper... then you're gay lol. The only quick scopers that can even hold a flame to my CoD skill is the MW2 quick scopers. And the vast majority of them still can't beat me even when they're modding.

    I would still play the original CoD if I had a desktop. The bolt action rifle servers and the Zmod on the original are fun and competitive as hell.
  2. Shotguns are so much fun on CoD. All I ever want to use anymore when. I play. I can't believe they skimped on them in BO2
  3. Hell yeah man. I can run the map with a spas 12 foregrip on MW2 dude. People get pissed off and throw on their strikers or 1887's, but.... lol it doesn't matter. Stopping power and increased accuracy wins.
  4. I know there's more blades that play CoD!

    My xbox gamertag is LucionZ31

    If wanna get stoned and merc mofo's of MW2/3/black ops 2 sometime, get at me.
  5. Shotguns take the least amount of skill to use than any of the other weapons in the game.

  6. Dude shotgun is the epitome of Call of Duty Multiplayer. shoot as fast as you can and get kills fast. How does it take the least skill? It's the most logical choice in that style of gameplay.
  7. They take the least skill because a noob with very little to no cod experience can pick up a shotgun and 1 shot anybody from the hip. Try doing that with any other class of weapon and it won't happen.
  8. Sounds like you just get wrecked by shotguns. They take way more skill than a lot of weapons because you have to pay more attention to your routes you take and generally be more aware. There's no reasonable way you can say they're the easiest thing to use...
  9. Well let me start by stating my credentials cod4:1st prestige, cod waw 10th prestige, cod mw2 6th prestige, cod Bo 15th prestige, cod mw3 10th prestige, cod bo2 prestige master. As u can see I've played my fair share of cod and I'm not just talking out of my ass.

    "Reasons why shotguns take the least amount of skill to use of all gun classes"

    1. They shoot multiple projectiles not just a single bullet therefore it's easier to hit your target.

    2. You can kill with one pull of the trigger, not possible with any other gun except some snipers which have much lower accuracy when fired from the hip.

    3. They are the most accurate weapon when fired from the hip, that means you don't have to take the extra time to aim your weapon making them require less SKILL to use.

    Now if you think that shotguns are somehow not the least skill required to use weapons in the game you better come with a good argument and state facts that actually show ur knowledgable about cod, otherwise I state my case.
  10. Haha what? Yeah they can one hit kill but you have to be damn close with a lot of them (and some still wont OHK). And cod shotguns are usually pretty inconsistent so you still wont get as many one hits as you should sometimes.

    One pull of the trigger? Some require you to spam the trigger and some require multiple, spaced out shots. You're only pulling the trigger once thought with fully auto weapons though, because you can just hold the trigger. If your aim is off just adjust while you're spraying.

    The accuracy thing doesn't even matter.. you have to get so close so obviously any weapon will be accurate as hell off the hip minus a few. And I would say there are some guns that've had wayyy better off the hip accuracy. You can blast an smg off the hip with steady aim and take a shotty user well before they're even in range to use their gun
  11. I guess we're just gonna have to agree to disagree on the subject.
  12. If shotguns take the least skill then how come you can't just rape with them? You have to get close to people to kill them.
  13. I'm at work right now but I'll add my 2 cent about shotguns when I get off.
  14. Obviously u have never used the Remington 870 if you think it's not possible to rape with shotguns
  15. Obviously never used a spas -12 foregrip with marathon pro and stopping power. Marathon pro makes for long shots with a shotgun. 9/10 times when you run around a corner, the enemy is going to be farther away, but still close. Hip fire doesn't work with this style either, it is far too inaccurate. All my shorgun kills come from aiming down the sight.
  16. Obviously have used the spas and every other shotgun on any of the cod's considering I've prestiged on all of them that had the option to prestige
  17. #17 Mogwai, Jan 28, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 28, 2013
    Yeah I had like.. I don't remember, 15-20k+ shotgun kills in MW3 alone, plus I use the in all the other cods a lot.

    Obviously you can destroy shit with them but you can do that with a pistol too, or any weapon.

    And prestiged the ones with the option to prestige them? BO2 is the only game with weapon prestiges and it only has 4 shottys, which are a sort of horrible representation of the weapon type in the series as a whole.

    Get a gold AA12 and say shotguns are OP
  18. I was referring to prestiging in the games not the guns themselves
  19. you get so many hitmarkers with the Remington it's ridiculous. to the dude saying shotguns take no skill lets see a gameplay of you fuckin shit up with a shotty.
  20. Shotguns aren't no skill weapons.

    For while when you first use a new shotty, you have to die a good amount of times before you get the range down.

    Like someone else said, you really have to be careful of the routes you take while using a shotgun. You can't go into the normal "clinch" zones that requie an assault rifle more than anything since it's the most common weapon.

    So you really have to learn the map, and the common, uncommon, areas that you'll find an enemy close enough to even use a shotgun for kills.

    Hip firing a shotgun, is definitely for noobs like dude said... that being said... I don't hip fire a shotgun. It doesn't matter if they're inches from me, you bet I'm going to take aim and then fire.

    In MW2, as an example, if you don't like to run with stopping power, but still want to use a shotgun... you're pretty well screwed and you will get owned. On MW3, the shotgun is a primary weapon, not a secondary. So you really have to develop a good technique if you want to run with one.

    In short, it's completely biased and ignorant to say using a shotgun in CoD takes no skill.

    Another thing. How many times you've prestiged doesn't mean shit. I can not even have prestiged one time in a CoD game, and I can still own top ranked players. Prestigin doesn't mean shit in my opinion.

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