The FUCK is this...

Discussion in 'General' started by Misc, Jun 27, 2011.

  1. Already answered. It's a female dobsonfly, and if the bitch bites you, you'll know about it.:smoke:
  2. just lookin at a pic on the computer of that shit kinda buggin me out haha
  3. It's a female Dobson Fly judging by it's mandibles. The males can't bite with them, bu9t the females can.

    It's said to be like a miniature pit bul, and the bite hurts like a bitch and causes bleeding.

    Kill it or let it out.
  4. Yeah I didn't notice the answer until I'd posted and done the research lol. Oh well, it was still fun to figure it out.
  5. that was my first thought but it's not fat enoug :confused:
  6. bugs are creepy. they're just so...alien.
  7. it has gnarly pinchers man
  8. as i said it's chilling outside

    my jar isn't big enough, but i'm gonna try anyways
  9. They also spray some irritating and nasty-smelling shit, from what I'm reading. Yeah I wouldn't fuck with it.
  10. 1. trap in jar
    2. hotbox jar
    3. profit?

  11. op tell me were you live so i can ensure that i always stay within a 300 mile fucking radius from the area.
  12. Let it bite you and show us a pic of what these things can do.:D
  13. You'd have to move out of North America, I think they live everywhere here and in Central America too.

  14. luckily I've never seen one. **knocks on wood**
  15. I've seen those when camping in northern Jersey. Its a kind of fly, and they bite if you rub up against them or something.

    Never seen a bite from one, but I wouldn't mess with it
  16. Did OP die lol
  17. Did the thing stab your heart?

    I want to see it in a jar. OP don't let us down.

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