The First Time I got High

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by dave209rider559, Feb 8, 2010.

  1. Ok, forum. I wanted to discuss the first time I got high. Well not really, but I wanted to discuss about something concerning me smoking weed for the first time.

    Well you know how in high school they teach you how weed is very evil and bad for you? And how your parents remind you not to be fooled by kids into doing drugs?

    The first time I smoked weed was completely unexpected. I was one of those kids that was anti-weed. I never understood why anyone smoked weed. I hated kids in school that did it. I had friends that smoked weed, would let me smell their stash in school, and I would want to separate myself from them, but I never did since I knew them well enough to know that they are pretty chill. But their grades were bad, and I believed that it was the weed that was keeping them lazy and with a gangsta attitude.

    Anyway, my cousin, my friend and his cousin, and I, formed a Halo 3 gaming team and went to Anaheim, CA at the convention center to compete at the tournament. Once we got kicked out for losing in the bracket, I was literally the one that said lets go back to the hotel and smoke some weed. I was not pressured at all. I was very interested and down to go and smoke weed for some unknown reason.

    Which leads me to this theory. People are not pressured into drugs, they choose to do it themselves, and most of the time, I dont even believe that it is curiosity, it seems as if we do it just to be social.

    Anyway, yeah, I don't get how I ended up being the one convincing my friend to bring the weed when I was so terribly against it.

    The human mind works in mysterious ways.

    Whats next? Heroin? LOL! Fuck No!!
  2. Yeah, I was the same way as you man.
    Never touched it ALLLLLL through high school. Wanted nothing to do with it. I just thought it was stupid shit that made you retarded. Most of my friends did it, but I never judged them, I just let them do what they wanted to do because..well...what the hell do i care what they do? haha.

    Anyways, after we all graduated a bunch of us all planned this trip up north for like a summer vacation thing, and no one asked me to do it because they knew I was so against, but I remember sitting at work like 2 days before we were gonna leave, thinking to myself.. "I think I'm going to try to smoke weed up north". So I did.

    First time we smoked a j, and I didn't get high whatsoever. Then the next day me and my buddy went fishing and we smoked out of his bowl and that's when the greatest experience to ever happen to me became. Honest to god, I wish I could get that high every time I blaze. It was THE coolest feeling I've ever had. Everything was just amazing. The scenery, the colours, THE FOOD. I remember just staring at my friend fishing for like ten minutes because it just looked so amazing.

    Ahhh man I miss that.
  3. I can't really remember what I used to think about weed before I started smoking it. I was against people using "drugs". I didn't know anything about weed really even though I had seen one of my friends smoking it. Then a friend told me a little more about it and sophmore year in HS I told him I wanted to try it.

    Smoked 3 bowls of hydro and had a blast!
  4. Sounds to me that in both of these cases, both of you decided to smoke because you were going away to another place where you didnt have to worry about anyone but your close friends finding out that you got high.
    But once you did get high you decided to tough it out and become "one of them". Thats just my theory though.
  5. i smoked weed the first time with a mate out of curiosity and semi-peer pressure, he egged me on heaps but i would have done it regardless.

    the first few times were kind of shit tbh, i think i was smoking way too much lol. we both made the mistake of "well im not high 2-3 seconds after hitting that bowl, let's hit another one" - 3 or 4 later we'd be so baked we couldnt fucking function and i used to get so paranoid. but then i started smoking all on my own and it really changed my life for the better, relaxed me, made me appreciate creativity more and just made me appreciate life more in general.

    but like you, i was heaps anti-drugs growing up, now ive done ecstasy, weed, some prescription amphetamines, now i just smoke pot but i dont regret any of my drug experiences, they were all spiritual and amazing fun. especially ecstasy, i did that probably two dozen times and i never got a comedown, just an afterglow for a week of general satisfaction with life. that's unusual i suppose and i dont encourage ecstasy use unless you test your pills or do pure MDMA cuz who knows what those fuckers put in that shit, over here 90% of pills dont even have mdma in them anymore
  6. I just randomly decided that I wanted to my junior year of HS. I was like... I wanna try it. It was totally random, I was against drugs and straight edge. I just randomly wanted to. So I talked to a friend that smoked weed and said that I wanted in, so me and him met up with another older friend of his who had a bag with some very very strong weed (white widow to be specific, oh my fucking god what a first time) and my buddy had a 2 foot (approx.) glass bong. Shit was fucking insane, they made me hit it again and again, we smoked the whole damn bag i couldn't believe it. I remember walking outside and everything was so beautiful, the sun, oh my god. It was life changing.
    I retrospect I don't know why I didn't chicken out, the shack that we started the sesh in with all 3 of us was so sketchy, broken glass, windows broken, no lights, in the woods, so fucking scary, looked like a traphouse. So glad that I sacked up and went through with it.
  7. My first time ahhhh.

    I was at Sonic. My friend James asked me to smoke a blunt with him and a friend. I was actually anti-weed. I hated people that did it. Then I smoked it. I fucking hated it cause my mouth was dry and whatnot. Then I smoked again and again and fell in love with Mary Jane. I love weed :smoke:
  8. I remeber my first time...

    My first time I was sooo baked:smoke:
  9. Maybe sub-conciously?(sp?) I know for a fact that thought never crossed my mind when I decided to do it, but when I did start getting into weed when I got home, I never wanted anyone to know that I did because I just didn't like that "pothead" label.

    But I just don't give a fuck now.
  10. same, i was like you anti weed and all that, then my friend started telling me how he did it, it was fun and hes been doing it for a while and i should try it, i told him id think about it, looked it up online alot and i thought to my self, wow this is harmless, hung out with some friends over a weekend and blazed all weekend and it was the best time of my life so far
  11. I remeber the first time i got high like it was yesterday. Well atleast most of it...
    it was my 7th grade year and one of my older freinds managed to get ahold of about an ounce and a half so he decides to come to one of my freinds house and ask us if we want to smoke. we said sure why not and went to the back of his neighborhood to an undeveloped lot nicknamed "the moon" and we went crazy. we smoked 2 or 3 joints and 2 bowls out of a homemade double chamber bong. it may not sound like much but i had the biggest trip i had ever had. after that i was hooked and the longest i have gone without is 3 months and for a long time i was smoking atleast once a day. Even after years of smoking nothing compares to that day.
  12. #12 chronic209, Feb 9, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 9, 2010
    My first time was extremely intense. I was pretty young. I think it was the summer before my freshman year. I was just hanging out at one of my good friends houses and then we decide to walk down town because we have nothing better to do. so he calls his friend and that friend proceeds to call a dealer who then met us all and gave us a forty bag.I wasnt expecting this at all but i just said what the fuck and decided to try it. We went into the stoner spot in my town in the woods near some train tracks and they start passing a crappy homemade pipe in a circle. Since it was my first time i thought that I wouldnt get high so My natural response to this was to smoke a shit load of weed. I probably ended up smoking about a gram and my friends got really pissed at me because at one point i was laughing so hard that i accidentally blew out the whole bowl. My first time was by far my most intense. I took of my shirt because at the time it seemed like a good idea and i just started running through the woods enjoying the feeling of my body and the surroundings. It was amazing. Then we all got back to our original spot and i laid down on this log and started rolling back and forth it felt so wierd and amazing i couldn't stop laughing. Then I looked over at the train tracks and saw a train. I heard the whistle blowing and I could see th train approaching It was intense (mostly because the train wasn't really there) At this point my friends decided to go back into town and started walking accross the train tracks and i tried to warn them of their impending doom because they were going to get hit by the train. Afte Isobered up slightly we went to this pharmacy which had a lot of candy in the back. I got these lemon drops and went to pay. Probably one of the scariest moments in my life because I thought that it was obvious that I was high and thought I was going to get caught so much.
  13. i waz all about that shit my first time lol. i waz in elementary school and my brother and me were hangin with this real real chill family friend. i think he waz a real life OG now i look back. but anyhow he pulled out this big ass jar of florida kryptonite and we went from there duh:smoking:
  14. My first time my best friend told me that he had smoked for the first time and it was amazing and i was really disappointed in him. Then one day he decided to buy some and i just went along with it. We smoked twice before i actually felt it. The first time we smoked a shitty j(lol), and the second we smoked out of a pen. Yeah i know retarded right? well the 3rd time was the first time i ever was really high. It was on july 4th and after a night full of fireworks me and my friend went on the roof of my garage and smoked about two bowls off of a can. Well no exaggeration i was tripping really hard i kept trying to bite a tree branch that was hanging close to the garage, I thought i was dreaming, and i heard a car start i thought it was my mom and she kept her car in the garage so i was tripping so we tried to be quiet, then someone starts calling me and i really start trippin. So i said omg i'm fucked because i thought that my mom was calling me to find out where i'm at because it's 2 am. It was my brother, So i told myself that my brother and mom we're gonna go look for me and he was calling to see where i'm at. Well then i found out that the car was leaving my neighbors house and my brother called me because he was outside and wanted to smoke a bowl. Haha best night ever i wish i could get that blown again. :D
  15. it's funny, I can't remember what I thought about weed before I first tried it. I can't remember really having an opinion one way or the other on it. It bothers me sometimes that I can't remember. I must have had some sort of opinion, but I can't remember any sort of dislike towards it nor any curiosity to try it (until right before I did try it).

    maybe it's because I never really hung around with people who did it (well, I did, but I wasn't aware that they did at the time). I think this was more coincidence than intentional. what I do remember is seeing a lot of anti-drug ads as a kid and always getting the feeling that they were baseless propaganda. I had never tried any drugs and didn't really know anything about it at all, but every time I saw an anti-drug poster or TV ad or anything, it seemed blatantly obvious to me that it was just propaganda. I figured that such ads didn't necessarily represent the truth, but more likely represented the opinions of those with the authority/power/money/position to produce such ads. I guess I was a pretty aware kid in that sense.
  16. not knowing what to expect being a first time smoking you might feel really high or not all,

    me, i was high, i thought the sliding door was open, went to walk inside, bam! ouch, ya i couldnt even tell inside/outside.

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