The fight for power.

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Sheppo, Jan 22, 2010.

  1. I posted this in spirituality and philosophy but this is probably the btter section.

    I was thinking about history, and the way in which powers change over hundreds of years.

    Military powers like Ghengis Khan and Alexander the great all vied for the most power. This was the scene for thousands of years before the dawn of christ and was still prominent up until the middle ages. Today this includes the Taliban and most rebel causes.

    Religious powers also ruled for thousands of years, all with massive followers. During the middle ages these were the most powerful off all leaders, being able to draw more strength in numbers then the military powers alone.

    Governments are now the respected leaders of the world with their divided lands, officials and 'democracy' (or communism or something). Some governments today are just 'official' Military Powers (North Korea).

    Are all these powers vying for more at all times?

    For most of early history, the layout of the land could be divided between the mighty powers, such as the Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Assyrians, Persians etc. The main item of these examples were their military might, with religion more to do with the day to day life of civilians.
    The map during the middle ages could show the kingdoms boundaries, or it could show the religous boundaries, which would have had much more influence over the land now and the ability to call crusades/jihads for massive operations.
    These days the states boundaries are the most common layout of the land, fuelled by diplomacy and who looks the best in the publics eye.

    The government was always in the background - like religion was during early history - and realised the slow downfall of religion and has used it to 'slingshot' itself to the forefront of power. It can now use religion to manipulate its own desires.
    Religions, military powers and Governments have both ruled the world. Has religion dropped down in the heirachy and governments/democracy is the new 'in thing' for the world powers.

    This might not make any sense at all to anyone else. I'm going to go smoke a bong. :smoking:
  2. It doesn't make any sense.

    Your understanding of both military, governmental, and religious matters is seriously lacking.
  3. #3 TheDankery, Jan 22, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 22, 2010
    Yeah, sorry, I'm not following too well...

    power always seeks to increase its power, if that's what you're getting at.

    But yeah, Chuck Liddell is a beast. Hopefully he isn't done with for good. I think he could own Tito & knock him out when they fight again.
  4. I think I see what you're trying to say, but you're a little off. At any given time through out history, any society was ruled by a different set of power figures. But in the end it was still a government, whether it was a theocracy, democracy, communist dictatorship(usually a militarized country), monarchy, take your pick. There hasn't necessarily ever been a "trend" of how leaders governed their people, just that some leaders might adopt methods from another civilization. But in the end, in some way or another, the people decide how they want to be ruled, whether consciously or by just going along with the herd, even if what they've chosen isn't the best for them. This includes countries like Amerika, Canada, China, where some people know how badly they're getting fucked, but the majority of them just want to go about their lives without any trouble.
  5. I think I have no idea what I was going on about hahah.

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