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The Evolution of Man

Discussion in 'Science and Nature' started by Buddy Dink, Aug 27, 2008.

  1. The evolution of man is something that is often times overlooked in education because of how controversial it has become, even though it is strictly science.

    Men are different from one another. We all have some sort of deviation in our genetic code. Groups of people also uphold this statement. I am Caucasian. I am biologically different than an African man, an Asian man, or a South American Man. We are all different, we all adapted to different environments.

    Why is this such a hard concept to grasp? I wish I knew. There are obvious indicators to prove it.

    Skin color is the first and most obvious one. African's have darker skin, more melatonin, because they ran around in hot, open, Savanna plains. Caucasians have light skin because it was cold outside in Europe at the time. If you weren't out hunting or collecting food you were in a cave, melatonin became less important. It was no longer being targeted by natural selection because people who had high melatonin levels survived at the same rate as people with low melatonin levels.

    The next issue is much more controversial, but is still just as obvious (This is where everyone will start to hate me). Caucasians are, on average, more intelligent than Africans. Asians are, on average, more intelligent than Caucasians. This still follows our theory of evolution. If African's had a lush, Savanna plain full of food ripe for the picking, intelligence obviously was not one of the most sought after traits. When man moved northward into Europe, the climate changed to a much more frigid environment. Food was scarce, and the more intelligent men had a better survival rate because they could find their own food. Intelligence was then targeted by natural selection.

    Africans have a high testosterone level. This was necessary when brute force was more important than intelligence. They have larger penises and much more physical endurance. These things are very, very obvious, but are never looked at scientifically.

    I am going to take this a step farther and show you the results of these evolutionary findings in today's world (If you haven't started hating me, you probably will now). Today, in the United States, Africans are given every kind of government hand out because they were mistreated in the past. Most Africans argue that they can not rise out of the "ghetto" because the "white man" keeps them down. Well, in the late 17th century and early 18th century, immigrants came over from poor European countries only to face ethnic prejudices far worse than that of the Africans. They lived in poorer "ghettos" and were offered even worse jobs. The "white man" kept them down, for 1 or 2 generations? Then they "rose out" of the "ghetto" and have earned a stable place in society. Africans have probably had ten generations or more that have lived in the "ghetto" and have yet to rise up. I can not simply blame this on society and the "white man". Africans, in general, have a lower intelligence than Caucasians.

    I apologize for only using the "Black and White" descriptions, but they were constantly beaten into my head in my public school days.

    This photo is from Wikipedia as well:

    Attached Files:

  2. It seems like I should argue with this, but I'm not sure how.
  3. man you shouldn't use wikipedia for your info. also, many whites, asians, and hispanics live in the ghettos. likewise many blacks live in the suburbs. intelligence standards could be lower in poorer people, because of the education system in their area, not because they are genetically predisposed to be stupid. hard work in school will get you anywhere you need to go.
  4. #4 Sam_Spade, Aug 27, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 27, 2008
    What a blatantly racist agenda.

    Well first off, instead of second rate and high suspect statistics, perhaps we should instead take an anthropological approach to this evidence. You know, the actual scientific discipline of studying humanity and social sciences.

    The following is from Dr. Richard Robbins, Teaching Faculty of Plattsburgh University

    "Most anthropologists recognize that race is a social concept, not a biological one. That is, it stigmatizes some individuals as different and reinforces the privileges of others. There is no evidence that there are large groups of biologically distinct human beings (i.e. subspecies) that correspond to what people refer to when they talk about "race." Furthermore, to base any kind of biological category on a single physical characteristic, such as skin color (which, in itself is incredibly varied and determined by multiple genes), is clearly nonsense. Yet the concept of race persists in our popular culture, and is occasionally given legitimacy by researchers from fields as varied as psychology and political science."

    Or I can direct you to the American Anthropological Association Statement on "Race" and Intelligence.

    And then, of course there is Dr. Jared Diamond:
    "Diamond argues that the gaps in power and technology between human societies do not reflect cultural or racial differences, but rather originate in environmental differences powerfully amplified by various positive feedback loops, and fills the book with examples throughout history." Whose ideas have gained an immense amount of support from the anthropological community.
  5. You're gonna need a link for that "asians are smarter than whites who are smarter than blacks" stuff. There are subtle differences sure, the melatonin, asians supposedly get drunk quicker, certain facial features etc. but intelligence shouldn't come in.
  6. #6 chronicman00, Aug 27, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 27, 2008
    I dont hate you man but I wouldnt say races arent more or less intelligent because we as humans think with logic. Whos to say a white man is smarter than a black man? No race is less intelligent than any other one its just if you put that intelligence to use. IMO culture plays a big role in this society
  7. I figured the people here may have been more open to this idea, apparently not. Are you all really going to deny the fact that people are so blatantly different and still not associate it to evolution?

    You know that people are different, BIOLOGICALLY. Different levels of melatonin come from differences in your glands which are there because of EVOLUTION. Testosterone, EVOLUTION. Intelligence, EVOLUTION.

    Do black people randomly pop out from a white vagina? Do Asians randomly pop out of a black vagina? I've never seen it, so stating that is "purely" social is ludicrous! These traits are passed down through reproduction which is exactly how evolution occurs, and it is literallyright in front of your faces and you all still refuse to accept it.

    I am not being racist and in my original post I stated that these are general rules. Those statistics are for the average intelligence by race. There are plenty of Africans more intelligent than Caucasians and Asians. It is certainly not an exact rule.

    I love how people are will not grab on to this idea regardless of how obvious it is. It is seriously right before everyone's eyes, yet no one can bring themselves to accept it because it is such a controversial rule.

    I would like to define racism for those who think I am racist. Racism is judging someone based on their race. I do not do that. I judge people based on their merit. I have friends, coworkers, neighbors, and even relatives who are black and I get along with them fine, some of them I get along with great.

    I really just want to know how the difference in intelligence, testosterone, melatonin, etc. can be attributed solely to social standing. Please explain to me how these physiological traits are from social hierarchy alone.

    Also, I like how Wikipedia is an accepted source for a lot of information, but certainly not valid for such a controversial subject. No, of course you can't cite Wikipedia! Those statistics, what is wrong with them? Explain to me what sources I need to be using.
  8. its too stupid to argue. asians are more disciplined because they have basements dedicated for studying and the parents dont let them out until they are finished, but they aren't smarter. and we'll see how smart white people are when they elect a black president. this thread is racist!
  9. evolution is an unproven theory.
  10. LOL yeah about as unproven as the theory of gravity.
  11. Just gloss over my post?

    Very nice.
  12. I was just about to have a blood transfusion when it suddenly occured to me that I hadn't even asked about the blood donor....

    Was he a Blood, or a Crip?

    I couldn't have no blood from a Blood, I needed the blood of a Crip, like me, or I would be kicked out of my ghetto, and made to live on a fresh fruit filled savannah, where I wouldn't need to be as smart as the asians....

    Ask a Dr., maybe he can explain it. Blood types are absolute proof of your racial interchangeability. Hemoglobin has no racial agenda. it just flows through everyone!,_Races_and_People

  13. and we understand everything there is to know about gravity don't we? fug no!
  14. You and your socialist propaganda!

  15. This OP and thread appeared to have just stepped out of the latest KKK meeting.
    Wow, what a stale stinking load!

    And Growbot? You must be one of those kids who is from those states where they don't teach evolution, huh? You got one of those uneducations, in hopes you'd not grow up to be one of those damned elitists. You probably think you're not descended from primates. Yet, I will look at you and point out plenty of signs that you are. Observe your fellow man closely for a day. Man, we're are so still monkeys!
    Evolution moves more slowly than we notice.
  16. if you make the statements extremely generalised MAYBE you could say that, I see where your trying to go.

    however, at the same time, everyone is different just like you said, and there are far to many random factors to make the generalizations true.

    way back in the day, what you talk about is probably true, but a human is still a human. any human can learn anything and be just as smart as the other, but it comes down to resources,willpower, motivation, money, etc. The people stuck in the ghetto are stuck in the ghetto due to lack of resource. they dont have any money, they dont have good schools, and thus it is harder for them to go somewhere like a nice college. You also have to factor in racism and things, because that is a reality. The drug war also doesnt help at all because it creates a highly profitible underground market that is easily accessible by the people in these poor neighborhoods. So instead of fighting an uphill battle your whole life to maybe make 60k a year at some bullshit job, theyd rather make millions being their own boss easily.

    And like said already, people of all types live in all types of situations.

  17. we're the smartest monkeys. love that song, xtc. no need to get angry bub. first, i could prob. be your daddy, never know. second, i don't care what gets spoon fed to students in a classroom. i just happen to not believe we were ever apes. i suppose there could have been subtle changes in us through time. but i don't think there were any species changes. why aren't we still evolving? actually, i don't even care. there simply isn't any hard cold facts. even carbon dating isn't 100% reliable.
  18. If we were still evolving we would all be brown eyed and tan skinned by now right? Why is it we have not evolved in the last sevral hundred years?
  19. ^^^because we're perfect, not!^^^ lol
  20. ^^^now that is funny, lol

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