The Dogmas of Science

Discussion in 'Science and Nature' started by pickledpie, Jul 26, 2013.

  1. Did your ego not get fed enough with replies when you posted this 7 days ago?
    I also find it ironic that you post videos about someone discussing the dogmas of science, about keeping an open mind and not adhering to a scientific belief like it was a religious belief, yet that's what you do.. That's why it's obvious to you that evolution was/is guided by the universe. That's a belief, without any real data to back it up, but you cling to it like a security blanket. Fuck outta here man.
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  2. This thread is gonna be hilarious.
  3. This thread will go nowhere.
    Just troll bait.
  4. I stopped watching when he said that disbelief in telepathy was a dogma of science. People have done experiments with telepathy many times and found no reliable and repeatable evidence to support the claim. I don't see that as dogma, it just is what it is.
  5. Where else to get a bigger reaction and a longer thread than a forum dedicated to science? It would be suicidal, especially considering the number of times this has been destroyed as an idea, here and elsewhere, so it has only been started as a thread for one reason:
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  6. #7 Carl Weathers, Jul 27, 2013
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2013
    Watched the video in the other thread, the guy was eloquent but his content and arguments were nonsense. He was trying to compare impulses in neurons to the electromagnetic field emitted from the sun, and drawing a conclusion that the sun has thoughts of its own.. despite how drastically different they are, his minimalization of the science made it possible. It's almost insulting to be subjected to that kind of pseudoscience, so I'll definitely not be spending the next 1.5 hours of my life listening to any more of his thoughts.

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