The Democrats should turn left

Discussion in 'Politics' started by SmokinP, Jul 20, 2017.

  1. Well said.

  2. You think Clinton did better than Sanders would have and have the cheek to say I don't know what I'm talking about? :)
    The investigation into Sanders didn't emerge until after the election.
  3. It's quite plausible to think Sanders would have done worse, and I say this as a Sanders supporter.

    The socialist scare is very real in the US. While I don't think Bernie was looking to turn the US into the USSR, any real national election opposition would have painted him exactly as such. The DNC didn't even like him because they found him to be too atheist and it could have cost them votes in the national election. Had he gone up against Trump the Right would have made him look like Stalin.

    I still like the man but it is very tough to win the US presidency with that degree of socialist ideology. The Right doesn't like it and democratic corporate donors wouldn't either.
  4. I don't know man. From the numerous post mortems of the elections that I have read there is broad consensus that Sanders would have done a lot better than Clinton.

    Clinton was tarnished coming into the election where as Sanders has a near impeccable record in politics.that said this is speculation and we we will never know how Sanders would have done against Trump.
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  5. #25 Praetorian, Jul 21, 2017
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2017
    American media is notoriously reactionary. This is constantly on display during their sport shows, where during the recap after the game the winning team has always done everything right, and the losing team has done everything wrong according to the commentary. Sanders will be favored by many simply because he isn't Clinton, who lost it all to Trump.

    It is possible that he could have done better, but they could have tied a hammer and sickle around his neck in the media and drowned him with it.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. The Red Scare is still alive and well. Where is the fear of the US turning into a present day Russia, where the government (Putin) is connected at the hip to any number of "oligarchs" together blinding the country dry?
    If Trump and the Republican party were not so incompetent and divided, they could reach their objective of transferring massive wealth toward the top.
  7. stop reading new york times and washington compost editorials and just try talking to people without your far left assumptions and you just may learn something. Or keep going on with your preconceived notions.
    That investigation into bernie would have come to light a hell of a lot earlier had he won that primary.
    You wonder how I would know about the middle of america? Well I fucking live here! And Bernie may have gained some very strong support from his bros, he would have lost even more moderates than hillary did, no doubt about it. His socialistic ideas appeal to a certain group, but alienate everyone else.
    • Agree Agree x 2
    • Winner Winner x 1
  8. the red scare, as perpetuated by the american liberal media, AKA, the propaganda wing for the dems. The only people who are affraid of russia are the ones who watch cnn and msnbc.
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  9. Bernie would of ran out of candy for the kids and anyone with a job would of thought he was nuts with the amount of tax increases it would of taken to buy more candy. IMO Bernie would of been crushed like a little twig.
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  10. I still Say Trump was the lesser of the 3 evils
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  11. We really have to ask ourselves
    Was that really the Best candidates the political parties could have run.
  12. its so strange, that for so long the dems were the party that were "anti-establishment", and now here they are, pining for an establishment pick for president. trump is the anti-establishment if there ever was one, if people would just take an actual nuanced look at what he is doing and what he's trying to do, they would see that. Draining the swamp is something that absolutely needs to happen, it wasn't a joke that he was making. And now, daily, you see the swamp trying to fight back and trying to undermine this anti-establishment, outsider, non-politician president. So strange lol.
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  13. Lets face it
    All of them in power in Washington are assholes in one way or another.
    System is broken and only benefits them
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  14. This is why they HATE Trump
    They do not like change
    But Change is coming
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  15. #35 Praetorian, Jul 21, 2017
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2017
    Obviously they weren't the "best". But as we all know by now, the system is set up so that the "best" don't actually make it. If you want to be @ the top in Washington, you HAVE to have played ball with the sitting establishment in Washington, otherwise you simply will never get to matter. Some of this is dirty politics, some of it is just tit for tat collaboration.

    This is a large part of the Trump appeal.
    He came in as the self sponsored outsider. Not part of the sitting political club at the top, like the "shoe in" Jeb Bush. His opponents underestimate how much that is worth in current US.
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  16. In this discussion on who would have done better against Trump for the Democrats, I'd say someone else who managed to successfully run without party support.
    This is obviously close to impossible, and the only way anyone possibly can pull it off, is if they have billions of their own and are capable of fighting off partisan media. (Good luck with that)

    Trump may be a billionaire asshole (only at times and often exaggerated or completely fabricated), but hippy philosophers who genuinely want to heal the Earth and its people have zero realistic chance against establishment Washington.
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  17. Yet he's done basically everything most other candidates would have done with maybe the exception of trade. All the deregulation, tax cuts, and bombing are pretty similar to a Jeb Bush, Ted Cruz, or any other stock GOP presidential candidate. He's largely anti establishment in messaging with a pretty establishment republican agenda.
  18. what the hell do you expect the guy to be able to do with A, only 6 months, and B a completely hostile legislative wing of government?
    Probably lots of executive orders..which we have had. Because thats literally all he can fucking do!
    • Agree Agree x 1
  19. He did run as a Republican.
    I didn't expect him to get in there and turn into Bernie Sanders once in the White House. Trump is and should be expected to govern as a Republican, for better and worse.

    What the country gets with him vs empty suits like Jeb is the chance that it will not be a bought-and-paid-for Republican. He is clearly not "a politician" and that's good.

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