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the crazy stupid lil sh*t you do while stoned

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by weedleaf, Apr 9, 2009.

  1. i thought ppl could post those crazy stupid lil things you do when you're high
    it can be pretty much anything you find hilarious to do while high
    or just stupid things you accidently do while high

    something i find hilarious to do thats incredibly stupid is when im in a car and im blitzed if i see ppl outside as i pass i really like to yell strange random things out at them like "ROAST BEEF" and other weird shit and watch them react i know its extremely childish of me but i think its hilarious seeing the way ppl react...its priceless. besides if we cant be childish sometimes in life then whats the point right....

    happy blazing! :smoking:
  2. My buddy stopped by that hasn't toked for like a year and wanted to burn a bowl. Well after we smoke he says he wants to watch up in smoke. So i put it in my ps3, and for the next 2 min I continue to go back and forth through all the menus looking for the play dvd icon, while passing over it easily 30-40 times. My buddy just continued on with his stoned conversation and never even noticed.
  3. I rearrange the desktop icons on my computer, then sober up and forget that I moved them all, and get annoyed when nothing is where it's supposed to be.
  4. #4 ExpandUrMind, Apr 9, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 9, 2009
    I masturbate.....

    Edit:cause I am not joking.
  5. Too much work for me when I'm high.
  6. sex is really nice while high but yea with another person usually is better haha
  7. lol yeah, split the work load. :p
  8. With another person its better but what if youre not around your lover heh? Also high and super horny......Ya........
  9. cant say ive never done it but since im a girl i dont exactly have to do all the work myself...hahahah get a pocket pussy...anyways back to the stupid things ppl do while highl......
  10. Haha, when I'm at the peak of my high, I twitch or flinch sometimes, but then I find it extremely funny, so I twitch several more times on purpose for my own enjoyment. (Yes, I do look like a retard in the process. :p)
  11. i always exploring in the hiking trails by my house

  12. i do the same thing i love doin that stuff...
  13. I pace back and forth sometimes between my living room and kitchen, opening the fridge, stare in for a minute, shut it, walk back into the living room, stand there and stare at the tv, then back to the kitchen to repeat. I have a hard time deciding what to do sometimes as you can tell...hehe
  14. One time in high school, this kid who wasn't a smoker (he would get high at parties and shit, or on vacation days, but he certainly wasn't a pothead) came to hang out with me and a couple other people after school.
    We headed to a local park since it was so nice out, and proceeded to smoke two smallish bowls of dank between three people (one friend was staying clean for a drug test). After the second bowl, a trip to Wendy's seemed like the logical next step so we got in my car and took the long way.
    We're cruising this old rural highway, listening to music, smoking cigs, not really talking, just chilling on the car ride to Wendy's when this kid jumps (like somebody snuck up and scared him or some shit) and says, "shit, a train!". A split second later he said, "just...nevermind."
    We were all looking at him like, wtf? until one person started cracking up, leading the rest of us into an inescapable giggle fit. When we finally calmed down, we were trying to figure out what the hell he'd been talking about, but he just kept saying "nothing, guys, c'mon, let's go get some frosties."
    I finally got it out of him right before I dropped him off at his house. Turns out he was just thinking about how much he loved driving, so he was imagining himself driving, and I guess where he was in his head there were some railroad tracks that weren't completely train-free at the time.
    That was some weird shit, but it remains one of the funniest things I've ever witnessed. :D
  15. me and my friend toked a huge bowl out of his bubblee and he dropped his slider.
    the ash came out and fell on the carpet.

    We stared at it for like 30 minutes and laughed our asses off.:eek:
  16. Last night I must of spent a few minutes wondering around my house looking for phone so I could charge it while I slept. I couldnt find it anywhere and then realized I was talking on it to a thats stupid.
  17. awsome i love yelling at people on the side of the road. i yeall ball sack and butt sex and shit, sometimes i yell nice shirt as violently as i can, its funny as shit to see the reastions
  18. Anyone else ever fuck up and try to use your XBox controller to control the TV, or your TV remote with your XBox? I do this about every time I smoke, confuses me for a moment or two usually.
  19. The other day I was in my back yard smoking, and then my neighbor came out and our houses are really close. I don't want him to find out I smoke and tell the parents, so I ran and somehow tripped over a rosebush lmao. I scratched the shit out of my foot, but I was so high I just laughed.

    And once I was about to flush my mouth with mouthwash, and I picked up a bottle of rubbing alcohol and was two seconds away from pouring it in my mouth when I caught myself lol. I do dumb shit all the time when I'm stoned.
  20. lol that happened to me today but i was on the other end.
    my friend was like "oh shit give me a sec i think my phone is ringing..."
    i was like "dude... your on the phone talkiing to me right now HOW STONED ARE YOU!?!"
    then all my friend did was geek for like five mins with me still on the other end lol.:smoking:

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