The complete and utter failure that is prohibition

Discussion in 'Marijuana Legalization' started by theprof, Jul 14, 2009.

  1. Does anyone else find it laughably funny how easy it is to get marijuana? Ask pretty much any teenager, fuck that, any person, marijuana is just a phone call or two away.

    I find myself forgetting that it's even against the law, its just so widespread. Conversations with my dealer are so relaxed, and yet we're discussing when and where we're going to commit a felony transaction.

    Personally, marijuana is far easier for me to get than alcohol, and that shit is legal. It just really makes you think how badly the laws are fucked up, and how much the people making them have no idea what they're doing.

    10 minutes ago i was sitting in my room thinking "I want weed". One phone call, i have weed.

    Prohibition does not work! I wanted weed, now i have it. Took me about 5 minutes. That pretty much goes for anyone.

    Now i know I'm preachin' to the choir here, but i had to have a little rant about this.

    Oh and sorry to the people who are dry at the moment and can't find any.

    stay high GC:smoke:
  2. It would be a lot easier (and better) if it was legal, but yea its pretty foolish. I would have thought the government would have learned from alcohol prohibition that making things many people use illegal only leads to increased crime rates....

    Plus, I think its funny how people accept the negative impact alcohol and cigarettes (and fast food) have on the rest of society but can't accept a stoner as a legal member of society....but that's another story.
  3. But its 4 da chyldrunzz!

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