The College Bubble

Discussion in 'Politics' started by xmaspoo, Aug 14, 2011.

  1. I think college enables a lot of ambition to be fulfilled, and for others it is a waste of time and money.

  2. I was agreeing with you.
  3. That's because those actually require intelligence, not just going to class everyday.
  4. True. But the real reason goes back to supply and demand. Simple.
  5. A medical degree requires intelligence my ass. Thats going to class everyday.

    As a token I suppose you could say it requires "a high capacity for memorization" but that's about the extent of it
  6. [ame][/ame]
  7. What proof is there that illegals actually use entitlements? Im sure some may but I doubt that most due considering that they are illegally here and dont want to be caught.

    Im in college but I dont think im going to jump ship, I spent a lot of work saving up money for it. And I dont want to waste what little money my parents where able to contribute towards it. I value the education that I am receiving more than what jobs and how much money I will get afterwords anyways. Plus the university I go to is relatively cheap for in-state students but still is ranked pretty highly.
  8. I agree with the video and what it's saying. But what alternatives does it suggest? Be a farmer or join the workforce? What else. What about jobs that actually do require degrees.
  9. College doesn't even make sense with how much it costs.

    I guess it's the new norm to owe $40,000 dollars on a student loan
  10. An education is never a bad thing,
    I'll say it a bit louder, An education is never a bad thing!!!!

    College should be about who can pass the entrance exams, do the class work, pass the test/exams to progress (use a 2 strikes rule, fail the class twice, you can't continue [excluding events unrelated to the class, such as illness or forced absence from family/local/national emergency])

    Ya, the concept is nice and cuddly but I also understand those teaching, running the infrastructure of the schools, need to get paid as well...and I honestly have no answer for those issues, due to a solution would require a viable economy, amping up the public education system back to what it used to be (before 'no kid left behind' which is PC for 'dumb down the classes so stupid kids can pass'), an honest government, and the removal of elitist bigotry of the wealthy.

    G.W. Bush was a c- student at best, a total failure in reality (daddy's millions 'donated' to the school bought his degree, not his ability to do or understand the class work/subject)...but some kids with an IQ exceeding 150, born into poverty, will never get a shot at that school...(don't pull the scholarship card, 1 kid out of millions doesn't mean the system works....that kid is a TOKEN poor kid, used as a poster child to show how nice and generous the wealthy are...while they are pissing on the futures of millions of that kids peers)

    everyone deserves a chance to get a degree. (that's a period in case you missed it...)
  11. Just came across this article about teachers;
    Many teachers have little or no experience - Education Nation -

    Over worked, underpaid, and a lack of would you feel if this was you, and every year it got worse? Now imagine being sent in to do a job with skills that were/are good and proper, used to work great, but worthless now due to new rules (no child left behind), 2x the paper work, 2-4x the students, forced to give memory lessons, not how to solve problems, think logically, how to be creative...more of the education dollar spent on bureaucratic paperwork and coddling *retarded kids whose parents are too busy working to provide the extra tutoring they need to keep up...

    teaching to test...i.e...give them memory lessons so they can recall solutions others deduced... not logic, problem solving skill-sets....due to dumbing down the system so 'no child is let behind'.

    instead of attacking the problem via parents having time to tutor their own kids (working reasonable hours for reasonable pay to support a family), having more teachers so classes are smaller, better pay scales to retain the best teachers, providing benefits in line with those of the bureaucrats overseeing the public schools (or maybe reducing the pay and benefits of the overseers...), and support so teachers don't need to spend their own money on lessons and are not tossed under the political sacrificial bus when a kid fails (some kids are *retarded, it's a sad reality).
    Cost skyrocketed but the extra cost wasn't to pay teachers more nor to hire more teachers. The bureaucrats added paperwork, require more documentation, expect teachers to take the work home to do, and add more students with more restrictions on what can be taught and how, so most of the kids can pass test without having to solve a problem...(and if that doesn't work, then the bureaucrats lie and cheat the system so the district won't lose federal dollars...Georgia investigates abnormal test scores - Los Angeles Times)

    Compared to many other nations, the public school systems of the USA are a joke...all due to P.C. bullshit and bureaucratic paperwork expense (more paperwork, more records, more staff to oversee records, but less teachers, fewer lessons, elimination of creativity...)


    ...and to make things worse, in some schools, religion is replacing science, or being taught as an equal reason for why some things are what they they got that way...

    *re·tard·ed adj, \ri-ˈtär-dəd\
    Definition of RETARDED
    : slow or limited in intellectual or emotional development or academic progress
    Retarded - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

    oh well...we all know who to blame...
  12. An educated and more skilled workforce determines where we fall in the global economy.
  13. Yeah I'm dishing out thousands of dollars a year for a piece of paper.. not an education.


    You guys that are claiming that college is a scam are ridiculous. What lame ass documentary did you watch that programmed you to think that way?
  14. ^^ Seems that somebody generalized this thread without actually reading it. I urge you to go back and read my first 2 posts in this thread.
  15. Most Major Colleges are very expensive these days and you pretty much need rich parents to go. $15,000 per semester is not uncommon. It creates a situation where the wealthy get educated at major universities and many others do not.

    AT least there are community colleges offering classes at low costs

    And sadly, if you drop out of high school and don't get a GED in the USA, you're fucked

    And a high school diploma is good but you still need a college education to get most high paying jobs

    It's like a catch 22. To make money you need to go to college but if you don't have money already, you can't go to a major university w/o a scholarship or grant. It's either community college or internet college

  16. #36 iCremateCanabis, Sep 27, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 27, 2011
    it's a lot deeper than the cost going up and the students needing rich parents.

    not at all :rolleyes: , banks loan practically any students a "private student loan" with high interest rates, because the only way the banks make money is by interest, with the rising cost of college after 4 years you'll be in huge huge interest, and with very few good jobs out there, a lot of the time people have to file for case scenario work it off over many years and struggle, while paying so much more because of interest and fees. it's hard to get a job because government regulations are killing small business and jobs, also a lot of the degrees students get aren't in high demand, aren't in their area, etc.

  17. Half of college graduates work low-skill jobs that don't require a degree...definitely worth it, for them!


  18. You're right. I forgot the part about Loans people take and end up in bankruptcy

    +Rep! if I could again..a like instead!

  19. and as for smaller places being cheaper, idk about that, i was talking to a judge, he was saying how colleges prey on students and use them as a vehicle for money from the students, for all sorts of things, ex: dorms, books, meal-plans, police force, etc.

    it's become a huge business..even said that a local "business center" its bad too, you go for 2 years and they don't give you any skills and you're in huge debt who would hire you..but it's pretty much like that with any degree today..

    and then after the college is done profiting comes the banks to collect their money and if not on time, the interest grows and so do penalties, fines, fees, and if you can't pay it they ruin your financial credit so you can't get a mortgage or a car, credit card, bank loan, then a collection agency and the IRS will get involved and you'll lose tax refunds, and jobs will see your score and probably pass you up, you could get sued, it's a fucked up system.
  20. The banks have those loans in the federally guaranteed folder...if you default even a little, the feds come after you, can seize any property, any bank accounts, any tax return, any insurance settlement payment, even ss/ssi/ssdi payments can be seized for the bankers (yep, fuck you and your ability to survive, the bankers need a new ivory back scratcher...),
    ANYTHING the feds want to take, even your freedom (yes, they can toss you in prison with rapist and murderers...even though they claim the USA has no debtors prisons, it does imprison people over student loans...)

    welcome to the USSA comrades!!!:mad:

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